General Category > Crime And Punishment

Seattle coffee shop workers call 911 when homeless man causes disturbance; no officers arrive

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--- Quote from: libertybele on May 02, 2024, 09:47:31 pm ---I don't believe that all those that live in Seattle voted accordingly.  Majority perhaps; and that's provided that they got a fair election.

--- End quote ---

Unfortunately, that's the way democracy works.  Even if you didn't vote for it, if you stuck around afterwards, you ratified the results.  It sucks to be one of the ones who didn't vote for it, but once the stupid gets strong enough, one should have moved out.

Blue State city-dwellers better get used to calling 9-1-1 and not getting a response.

Would the D.A. even prosecute the homless man for causing the disturbance?  No need for cops to risk getting stabbed to arrest someone for a non-prosecutable offense.


Also, police non-response increases efficiency and reduces costs - less police paperwork and fewer police brutality lawsuits.

Isn't this what Seattle voters wanted?


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