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Biden blasted for attacking ally and comparing Japan to Russia and China: ‘Not something diplomatic

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The reason why Japan will REMAIN "Japan" long after the United States has crumbled and fallen apart IS BECAUSE the Japanese are "xenophobic".

It is mostly the stupid whites in their own countries who are doomed to eventually disappear (yes, DISAPPEAR) because they have no desire to protect themselves and their heritage, and indeed, have no idea why they should even do so.

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: Fishrrman on May 02, 2024, 11:26:21 pm ---The reason why Japan will REMAIN "Japan" long after the United States has crumbled and fallen apart IS BECAUSE the Japanese are "xenophobic".

It is mostly the stupid whites in their own countries who are doomed to eventually disappear (yes, DISAPPEAR) because they have no desire to protect themselves and their heritage, and indeed, have no idea why they should even do so.

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It was one thing when the immigrants were from northern European Tribes, with similar enough backgrounds to assimilate (and contribute) to American Culture. But now we are importing people who our ancestors fought for hundreds of years, with few cultural similarities, who will not assimilate, and that isn't likely to end well.


--- Quote from: mystery-ak on May 02, 2024, 08:20:12 pm ---White House does damage control after Biden calls Japan and India ‘xenophobic’
Christian Datoc
May 2, 2024 2:06 pm

The White House scrambled to explain comments President Joe Biden made about Japan’s stance on immigrants Wednesday night at a fundraiser in Washington, D.C.

Biden’s remarks came just weeks after he hosted Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for a state visit at the White House. Wednesday’s campaign event was primarily attended by Asian American donors.

According to the press pool traveling with Biden, the president lumped in Japan and India, two strong U.S. allies, with Russia and China, claiming that all four were xenophobic and that their opposition to incoming migrants negatively impacted them economically.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre faced multiple questions about Biden’s comments while traveling with the president to North Carolina on Thursday, and she claimed that Biden was trying to contrast those countries with the United States’s own acceptance of migrants.

“The broader case that he was trying to make,” Jean-Pierre told reporters, “when it comes to who we are as a nation, we are a nation of immigrants. That is in our DNA.”


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It seems the White House is always doing damage control when Biden speaks

Where’s the Easter Bunny?


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on May 03, 2024, 12:05:11 am ---It was one thing when the immigrants were from northern European Tribes, with similar enough backgrounds to assimilate (and contribute) to American Culture. But now we are importing people who our ancestors fought for hundreds of years, with few cultural similarities, who will not assimilate, and that isn't likely to end well.

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You are absolutely correct, they will NOT assimilate. Tearing down the American flag and putting up a flag from the country that they came from is just a simple example.

...and people vote in those like Ilhan Omar and AOC; what the heck are people thinking? 

The protests at our universities are just the beginning I'm afraid. 


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