General Category > Immigration/Border

Hundreds of Migrants Swarm Seattle Park, Erect Tent Encampment, Issue List of Demands

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Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: DB on May 02, 2024, 02:43:25 am ---Neither China nor Russia is going to invade the USA. Neither remotely has the ability to.

--- End quote ---
Maybe they will use Canada or Mexico as proxies...


--- Quote from: mystery-ak on May 02, 2024, 12:19:50 am ---Hundreds of Migrants Swarm Seattle Park, Erect Tent Encampment, Issue List of Demands

--- End quote ---
"Hundreds" now maybe. In a few days there will be "Thousands" and then "Tens of Thousands".
And I am 100% in favor of it. I hope the entire city drowns in illegals and drugs. No tears from me.


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