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MTG and Massie Prepare to Strike, Will Force Johnson Expulsion Vote ‘Next Week’

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Maj. Bill Martin:
I should add that the result of this tactic will be to weaken the conservative elements within the conference.


--- Quote from: LMAO on May 01, 2024, 07:29:25 pm ---I have adopted a “it’s all in God’s hands” approach to this election when it comes to the presidential election.

--- End quote ---

I have done the same. This is too big for us mere mortals to repair.


--- Quote from: Maj. Bill Martin on May 01, 2024, 07:46:03 pm ---I should add that the result of this tactic will be to weaken the conservative elements within the conference.

--- End quote ---

It appears that Speaker Johnson was right. Moscow Marge and Massie seem to be more interested in complaining than doing their job. They are weakening the conservative elements and may cost the GOP their majority control of the House. It seems like they prefer to be in the minority.


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