Author Topic: Trump’s vice presidential pick won’t matter  (Read 565 times)

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Trump’s vice presidential pick won’t matter
« on: April 30, 2024, 09:44:52 pm »
Trump’s vice presidential pick won’t matter
Brady Leonard
April 30, 2024 2:46 pm

Journalists and commentators were looking forward to the boost in clicks and views that typically accompanies a robust presidential primary. But since the Republican primary was over before it began, and the media’s beloved Democrats are now making a mess of both domestic and foreign policy, many in the commentariat are spending a lot of time speculating about who former President Donald Trump will select as his running mate.

After Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) nuked her veepstakes odds with the bizarre decision to prove her toughness by bragging about shooting a puppy with a 12-gauge, North Dakota governor and former sort-of presidential candidate Doug Burgum emerged as a top choice. Other names such as Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), perpetual Arizona candidate Kari Lake, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), and former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard have also been floated by “sources,” but Trump’s vice presidential pick likely won’t matter one way or the other.

The 2024 presidential election is not complicated. If President Joe Biden’s team and its friends in the press can shift the focus to Trump’s legal battles and somehow convince the electorate that Jan. 6 was worse than Pearl Harbor, Biden will win. If the focus is kept on Biden’s age, mental decline, outrageous family corruption, and disastrous economic and foreign policy, The Donald will join President Grover Cleveland in the history books.

The book has been thoroughly written on Biden and Trump. They both have been public figures for most of their extremely long adult lives, and very few people are without a strong opinion on both men.

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Offline The_Reader_David

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Re: Trump’s vice presidential pick won’t matter
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2024, 01:14:23 am »
I'm not so sure.  Were he to pick Tim Scott, the softening of Biden's support among African-Americans might turn into actual support for Trump.  Scott, unlike Obama, is actually properly Black, not mixed-race who qualified as "Black" only because the Left bought into the old racist "one drop rule", and is the descendant of slaves exported by the Kings of Benin and their ilk from West Africa, rather than the descendant of East Africans who were never slaves (or if they were were enslaved by Arabs without being exiled from their homeland).  This could provide an interesting dynamic in the election if played right. 
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Re: Trump’s vice presidential pick won’t matter
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2024, 01:36:56 am »
I'm not so sure.  Were he to pick Tim Scott, the softening of Biden's support among African-Americans might turn into actual support for Trump.  Scott, unlike Obama, is actually properly Black, not mixed-race who qualified as "Black" only because the Left bought into the old racist "one drop rule", and is the descendant of slaves exported by the Kings of Benin and their ilk from West Africa, rather than the descendant of East Africans who were never slaves (or if they were were enslaved by Arabs without being exiled from their homeland).  This could provide an interesting dynamic in the election if played right.

I'm not so sure that a Black VP is going to make a difference.  I think a very strong, conservative female Hispanic VP would help Trump.  I don't know of anyone that fills those shoes; perhaps Monica De La Cruz, but she's not very well known, nor has she been in Congress that long.

Scott is relatively new as well.  He's soft spoken and also isn't well known.

Noem would have been the best bet.  A staunch solid female conservative with experience.  Her shooting her dog and putting that information in her book blew any chance of helping Trump's re-election.

As terrible as Brandon is, he'll be re-elected.  Strictly my opinion.
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Re: Trump’s vice presidential pick won’t matter
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2024, 02:08:55 am »

As terrible as Brandon is, he'll be re-elected.  Strictly my opinion.

It’s difficult to beat an incumbent president. That incumbent not only has to be terrible but anyone challenging that incumbent has to convince the voters why he or she would be better

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