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Lloyd Austin Says Troops On Gaza Pier Are Not ‘Boots On The Ground’

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This has Beirut (1983) and Somalia (1993) written all over it.  Repeating the same damned mistake(s) won't get different results.

If there is an incident involving American casualties before the Election, Biden could lose the Presidency.

Americans are damn sick of wars in the Middle East ... they say it will pay for itself, but it never does ... they say it makes the region safe for democracy, but it never does ... they say we'll get oil out of it, but ungrateful Opec Members, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, screw us every chance they get ... let the Arab League or the UN deal with this crap.

'Boots on the ground' and other military jargon are designed to confuse

The Guardian by Scott Beauchamp

In the carnival-mirror world of Washington bureaucracy, language is used to obscure more often than communicate the presence and role of US troops

When it comes to describing our military engagements across the world, Orwellian seems to be the language of choice for the US government. They consistently use the alchemy of bureaucratic language to transform words with clear meaning into jargon. This baffles any attempt to truly inform the public and keeps our national defense insidery and anti-democratic.

Take the phrase “boots on the ground”. The literal meaning of the words seems clear enough, and the colloquial use of the phrase – defined as “American forces deployed to a foreign country” – is unambiguous. So why was there such an awkward debate over this phrase after Barack Obama’s announcement last month that special forces advisers would be deployed to Syria?

It’s important to remember that if American “boots on the ground” was defined by actual boots on real ground, then it would be safe to say that we’re currently engaged in a worldwide deployment. America has bases in over 80 countries around the globe.

There are 113 “base sites” located in Germany alone. At any given moment there are nearly 250,000 American troops stationed overseas. Syria might be in the spotlight at the moment, but we also have a troop buildup currently happening in Africa, deployments in the Sinai and we even just recently sent Stryker armored vehicles to the Arctic Circle for the first time.

To list our considerable military involvement with the world, to describe the nearly unbroken chain of bases that girdle the globe, doesn’t amount to a knee-jerk condemnation of the situation. It’s just a prerequisite for having an honest conversation. But to avoid acknowledging the extent of American military undertakings is to implicitly condone them.

In the carnival-mirror world of Washington bureaucracy, language is used to obscure more often than communicate the presence and role of US troops abroad. So when White House press secretary Josh Earnest was asked to explain why Obama had gone back on his 2013 promise to not put “boots on the ground” in Syria, Earnest was forced to redefine the phrase to mean “large-scale, long-term ground combat operations in either Syria or Iraq”.



--- Quote ---Chuck Callesto
JUST IN: ⚠️ Lloyd Austin says US troops that are constructing Gaza aid pier can RETURN FIRE if attacked by Hamas..


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told House lawmakers Tuesday that US forces helping to construct a floating humanitarian pier along the Gaza Strip’s coast may return fire if attacked from the Hamas-run Palestinian enclave — causing an uproar among both Democrats and Republicans.
5:55 PM · Apr 30, 2024
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Gee, that's great. Unfortunately, few of our military are permitted to walk around with loaded weapons anymore.


--- Quote from: rangerrebew on April 30, 2024, 05:47:19 pm ---They should send his sorry ass over there and tell him his new office is on the pier until the area is secure.  I'll bet it would become one of the safest places on earth within 48 hours. :amen:

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--- Quote from: mountaineer on April 30, 2024, 06:27:13 pm ---Sorry, doofus, but boots on a pier in a war zone are pretty darn close - too close - to "boots on the ground."

Jordan Schachtel @
Imagine volunteering to serve your country and then being told that you have to build a pier for Hamas because Biden needs to win Michigan.
9:59 AM · Apr 30, 2024

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 **nononono* **nononono* 888mouth


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