Author Topic: Beautiful Eva Vlaardingerbroek Delivers Historic Speech “The Great Replacement Reality” at CPAC Hung  (Read 1079 times)

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Beautiful Eva Vlaardingerbroek Delivers Historic Speech “The Great Replacement Reality” at CPAC Hungary and Euro Elites Are Losing It – Elon Musk Weighs In – VIDEO
By Jim Hoft
Apr. 29, 2024

CPAC Hungary was held this weekend in Budapest, Hungary.

The conference was attended by conservatives from though out the continent and America.

The unexpected highlight of the weekend conference may have been the riveting speech by the beautiful Eva Vlaardingerbroek.

Eva did not hold back in her defense of Christian Europe and the current assault by the globalist left to destroy our civilization.

Here is the transcript from Eva Vlaardingerbroek’s CPAC speech.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek:
"Hello, Hungary. Hello, Budapest. Hello, fellow Europeans and American friends. Thank you so much for having me. Allow me to skip from Mathies for a moment and dive right into a subject that is not so cheerful, but very, very necessary to discuss. Let me walk you through the past seven days in Europe.

This week in Stockholm, three Three elderly women in their 70s were stabbed in broad daylight on the streets. In London, four people were stabbed in a time span of just 42 hours. In Paris, hundreds of Afghan migrants took to the street to riot. And – also in France, yet another church was burned down to the ground. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is just a few incidents in just a couple of days on our beautiful continent. But we all know that these incidents aren’t incidents anymore. If there’s one thing that’s for sure is that we know, and our governments also know, that there is a link between mass migration and crime.

In a Dutch city of Dordrecht, something interesting happened the other day. They announced, and this is a small city in the Netherlands, in my home country, that a new asylum center will be put in that little town. And what did the municipality do? They said, We are going to offer citizens who live in the vicinity of this center, a thousand euros to take extra safety measures. Our new reality in Europe consists of frequent rapes, stabbings, killings, murders, shootings, even beheadings. But let me be clear about one thing. This did not used to happen before. This is a newly imported problem.

Samuel P. Huntington predicted this over 25 years ago when he wrote, and I quote, In the new world of mass migration, the most pervasive, important, and dangerous conflict will not be between the social classes. They will not be between the rich and the poor. They will be between peoples belonging to different cultural entities. Tribal wars and ethnic conflicts will occur within civilizations. Well, boy, was he right? And the worst part is, we as a society seem to have become indifferent to it. When another white boy or a white girl dies at the hand of an immigrant, We might shake our head, we might let out a sigh, we might even get angry for a minute or two, and then we go on with our lives. We offer the family thoughts and prayers, but nothing ever changes."

More at URL above.

Poster's comments:
Here's a beautiful and extraordinary young lady with something to say.
The entire address is 12 mins long and worth your time.
Full video (on Rumble) here:

I think we're going to be hearing more from her in the future.
A modern-day Joan of Arc ???

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British Islamic scholar Anjem Chaudary calls for the abolition of secular democracy and the implementation of Islamic Sharia law in the United Kingdom. The implementation of Sharia will be facilitated by Muslims attaining “positions of power and authority” in Britain, he says.

Online Fishrrman

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Thanks for posting, mountaineer.

Just archived this within the past hour or so:
From X (Twitter)
Laurence Fox Lozza Fox

The Mayor of London is a Muslim.
The mayor of Birmingham is a Muslim.
The Mayor of Leeds is Muslim.
The Mayor of Blackburn - Muslim.
The mayor of Sheffield is a Muslim.
The mayor of Oxford is a Muslim.
The mayor of Luton is a Muslim.
The mayor of Oldham is Muslim.
The mayor of Rochdale is Muslim

All this was achieved by only 4 million Muslims out of 66 million people in England:

Today there are over 3,000 mosques in England.
There are over 130 sharia courts.
There are more than 50 Sharia Councils.
78 percent of Muslim women do not work, receive state support + free accommodation.
63 percent of Muslims do not work, receive state support + free housing.
State-supported Muslim families with an average of 6 to 8 children receive free accommodation. Now every school in the UK is required to teach lessons about Islam.

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"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline LMAO

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Thanks for posting, mountaineer.

Just archived this within the past hour or so:
From X (Twitter)
Laurence Fox Lozza Fox

The Mayor of London is a Muslim.
The mayor of Birmingham is a Muslim.
The Mayor of Leeds is Muslim.
The Mayor of Blackburn - Muslim.
The mayor of Sheffield is a Muslim.
The mayor of Oxford is a Muslim.
The mayor of Luton is a Muslim.
The mayor of Oldham is Muslim.
The mayor of Rochdale is Muslim

All this was achieved by only 4 million Muslims out of 66 million people in England:

Today there are over 3,000 mosques in England.
There are over 130 sharia courts.
There are more than 50 Sharia Councils.
78 percent of Muslim women do not work, receive state support + free accommodation.
63 percent of Muslims do not work, receive state support + free housing.
State-supported Muslim families with an average of 6 to 8 children receive free accommodation. Now every school in the UK is required to teach lessons about Islam.

But  mass immigration is a net benefit to an economy ////00000////

Look at those stats. That’s absolutely unsustainable

I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

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"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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The narrator makes it all about integration failures because they are poor.

Many Muslims don't want to integrate. They want their host country's culture to defer to them.

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‌Himdad Mehristani
As a Middle Easterner, I offer two pieces of advice to Westerners:
1. If you don't kick jihadists out of your country today, jihadists will kick you out of your country tomorrow.
2. Remember my first advice.
1:31 PM · May 5, 2024