General Category > Elections 2024

Biden: I’ll Do Gun Control in 2nd Term, Idea ‘Liberty Is Watered with the Blood of Patriots,’ Is ‘Bu

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cato potatoe:

--- Quote from: Wingnut on April 30, 2024, 01:30:24 pm ---"When I taught Law school."

Another Biden lie.  The man barely passed Law School. 79th out of 86.  I'd like to know who the dude was that finished last.  He'd make a better president then Lieden.

--- End quote ---

If that guy is still alive, I'm guessing he had enough sense to retire at least 15 years ago. 

Of course, he couldn't even get the Jefferson quote half right. "C'mon, Jack, if you need to water the treason tree with the patriots' fruit from the poison tree, a poem as lovely as a tree, George Washinghouse and the cherry tree, with the assault cannons ... anyway."


--- Quote from: catfish1957 on April 30, 2024, 03:58:06 pm ---Think of everything that Pedo Joe has legislated out in just 3 years.  If he can basically outlaw gas powered engines, guns should be a cake walk.

I think we take this threat with all the seriousness it deserves.

--- End quote ---

Yes, I take his threat about gun control seriously.

FJB! In my books, the 2A WILL stand.


Isn't verbotten for snowflakes to quote Thomas Jefferson?  He was a slave-owning white male herterosexual Christian of Western  European descent.

Creepy Uncle Joe could still quote George Jefferson ... "Well we're movin' on up, to the east side ..."


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