General Category > Climate Change

WEF speaker warns every time we drink coffee, we are 'putting CO2 into the atmosphere’

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I have a personal request to every enviro-whacko. 

In your mindless process of buying in or helping perpetuate this scam, your exhaling is killing the planet.

There are solutions.....


1-800- Dr. JackK

Everytime an animal breathes, it puts CO2 into the atmosphere.

Funny, they don't mention anything about wine, vineyards, and private jets?

Seem like the WEF has it in for deplorable working folks.


So, to save Mother Gaia, we need kill all fauna on Earth, especially humans.

When this idiot gives up breathing I'll give up my coffee, until then they need to STFU!


--- Quote from: GtHawk on April 30, 2024, 07:00:23 pm ---When this idiot gives up breathing I'll give up my coffee, until then they need to STFU!

--- End quote ---

Till then I will fart in his general direction.


--- Quote from: Wingnut on April 30, 2024, 07:11:25 pm ---Till then I will fart in his general direction.

--- End quote ---
Methane polluter! :silly:


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