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Middle-Class Doesn't Care What Krugman's Inflation Charts Say

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--- Quote from: LMAO on April 29, 2024, 10:18:42 pm ---Why Krugman has any credibility anymore is beyond me

--- End quote ---

I've always said, if he's making pronouncements about business siting decisions (work on which was the basis for his Nobel prize in economics), you should pay attention to what Paul Krugman is saying and probably believe it. 

It he's talking or writing about anything else, the only reason to listen to him is so you can believe the opposite of what he's saying thereby improving your chances of being right.


--- Quote from: LMAO on April 29, 2024, 10:18:42 pm ---Why Krugman has any credibility anymore is beyond me

--- End quote ---



It is disgusting, and believe, the lower the household income, the more difficult it is to afford the things we customarily buy for our households.  I am sure, the middle class white women who voted for Wrecking Ball Joe are kicking themselves, but watch what they do.

I anticipate a huge migration to Trump or RFK Jr, away from Biden.  Let's face it, you have to be a mental moron to vote for Biden again.  I lived through the painful years of Carter, and we are on the precipice of falling into a deep ravine if Biden gets a 2nd term.  Rest assured, it will be a repeat of the worst moments of Carter if Biden gets a 2nd term.  I see interest rates shooting up to 15%+.  Taxes goin up, and worse if the Democommies win both houses of Congress.  And I believe that can most certainly happen, particularly with the fixing of ones and zeroes.


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