Author Topic: Laredo Journalist Arrested For Questioning Government Officials Turns to Supreme Court  (Read 3767 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Texas Scorecard by  Will Biagini April 26, 2024

“If that is not an obvious violation of the Constitution, it’s hard to imagine what would be,” the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals previously determined

After a series of court reversals, Laredo-based independent journalist Priscilla Villarreal is seeking to have her case heard before the U.S. Supreme Court following her arrest by Laredo law enforcement.

According to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression—which is representing Villarreal in her SCOTUS appeal—police hunted her into silence in April of 2017 because they opposed her journalism, which was often critical of local officials.

FIRE also argued that police “dusted off” old statutes never before used against journalists to criminalize her work. After receiving tips from private citizens and asking a Laredo police officer to verify facts about a high-profile suicide and fatal car accident, two warrants were issued for her arrest.
