Author Topic: Fed just flipped. BofA warns of surprise rate hike ~ Reventure Consulting (Video)  (Read 9025 times)

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Online corbe

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Fed just flipped. BofA warns of surprise rate hike.

Reventure Consulting

Apr 27, 2024

Economists from Bank of America just warned that the Federal Reserve might not cut interest rates until March 2025. With other news outlets speculating that the next Fed move might actually be a rate hike.

The prospect of Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve keeping interest rates higher for longer. And potentially increasing rates is a worrying prospect for the US economy. It means that home prices and stock prices could have downward pressure as 2024 goes on due to higher borrowing costs.

It also means that the economy is also not fully out of the woods. With the prospect of recession and economic slowdown still lurking around the corner.
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Offline libertybele

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Powell and Yellen should have been ousted long ago.  The economy is in rough shape as it is -- this is right before the election too. Not a good thing for ole Joe.
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Offline Drago

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Far too little, far too late.  Should have been raising rates from zero in 2011 after dropping them to nothing after the "GFC" in 2008. And you have to raise the Fed Funds Rate ABOVE the rate of inflation...Yellen/Powell didn't even come close (needed an 8-10% FFR). They needed to go all "Volcker" on inflation.  22222frying pan

Online Hoodat

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Fed just flipped. BofA warns of surprise rate hike.

The Fed didn't flip.  They never said they would cut rates.  That was wishful thinking pushed by investors and brokers.  Do not expect any rate cut between now and election day.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

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Offline DB

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The Fed didn't flip.  They never said they would cut rates.  That was wishful thinking pushed by investors and brokers.  Do not expect any rate cut between now and election day.

You don't think they'd do it to help the Democrats for the election? It is all about timing... Too soon and the inflation that comes with it will kick in before the election. Too late and the burst of spending will be after the election... I think they'd burn down the country to keep Democrats in power.