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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2024, 06:19:58 pm »
Straightforwardness is also an oddity among politicians - One greatly desired.
I will reserve a final judgement on the matter until I have the proper context, and will find favor with Noem in the mean time. What she said is true. And proper. And said even though it would be unpopular.

That's all good.

Good point.  I 2nd that.

(And EverTrumpers should love that UN-self-conscious openness, right?)
Common sense is an uncommon virtue.

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2024, 06:21:23 pm »
Things are different in S. Dakota as opposed to those living in the city, suburbs and probably even rural areas.  I get that so, I'm not going to pass judgement on her. I just think that it was odd for her to mention it in her book; though I haven't read it.  I'm going by what the press is saying.

This is not enough to stop me from voting for her.  From her record, she's pretty conservative.
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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2024, 06:23:18 pm »
14 months old is still considered a puppy. I bet they gave that dog zero training since they got it.

Idiot woman. I wanted her for President at one time.

No it is not. a pup is under a year. More like an adolescent. And months of oporotunity for the dog to correct behavior.

All of which doesn't matter. The dog caused harm, and caused harm to someone else's property.
You don't keep that around. You don't encourage those genes.

It is the cause against another's property that probably most justifies the dog being put down... Interaction between neighbors would demand it (along with restitution)... Followed by justification in that the dog attacked its owner, followed finally by the blood lust. Any one would be cause to put the dog down.

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2024, 06:23:44 pm »
In whose world?

In my day generally, 12 months was considered the end.  Still is in dog shows, except many specialties still have special 18mo classes whereas AKC all-breed never does.  Especially for small dogs but even most big dogs cannot really distinguish between a 1yo and 5yo.  Heck many of them look fully mature at 6mos.

If it’s a hunting dog it had to have some kind of conditioning, perhaps real training.

Don’t know the full story here but se la vie.  Sounds like farm living to me.

Seems like it would have been better to give the dog to somebody with a completely different environment than around chickens or livestock.

Even "Commander" wasn't put down after biting dozens of Democrats.   :shrug:
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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2024, 06:24:56 pm »
Sorry folks, in the country if a dog chases livestock, dog takes a dirt nap.

Yup. Done.

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2024, 06:34:10 pm »
Sometimes these “bleeding hearts” are more upset HOW it is done than that IT is done at all.

Can’t tell how many times I hear in racing circles how horrible it is that someone shot the horse, etc.  in the old days, too.  Instead of the kindly IV.  Ultimately it doesn’t matter, if the point was just to put him out of his misery.

The worst experience I ever had was putting down a dog - One of my old old friends... Perhaps my favorite dog ever, and certainly the one a talk on and on about. He was my first to make it to old age, and my first to put down on purpose because he had surpassed his ability to function.

All of my other dogs were put out of a misery of one sort or another A pretty quick death with a single shot. But Charlie was different. I thought to ease him on his way. So I took him to the vet to put him down.

Wound up sitting on his head while the doc flailed at getting the injection in... An horrible death. He died in a panic. My damn fault, and one of my greatest. I should have hiked up my balls and put a bullet in him. He wouldn't have even seen it coming.

That bullet is kind, properly administered.

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2024, 06:35:03 pm »
Even "Commander" wasn't put down after biting dozens of Democrats.   :shrug:
He was performing a public service.

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2024, 06:36:03 pm »
He was performing a public service.

"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2024, 06:39:50 pm »
Seems like it would have been better to give the dog to somebody with a completely different environment than around chickens or livestock.

Even "Commander" wasn't put down after biting dozens of Democrats.   :shrug:

That ain't how it's done.

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2024, 06:59:35 pm »
All dogs have the natural instinct to chase prey. It’s up to the owner to train them

My bird dogs ignore everything but their target. None of them chase deer cause I break them from that

Years ago, we had somebody who shot a neighbor dog because it was chasing a deer. It turned out to be a very expensive decision for that person and rightly so

And 14 months is still considered a pup. Especially larger breeds. And a hunting dog is geared more towards chasing birds

I agree with the poster that stated it sounded like she didn’t even bother to train it and then was upset when the dog did what it naturally is supposed to do. Dogs don’t learn like we do. But they can learn

I had a labrador once that was so well trained against chasing livestock that you could take him to a city park where people were feeding ducks and he would ignore them. But my son would take him duck hunting and he would retrieve every bird

We’ve raised chickens and labradors, and only once had a problem that I fixed, and the dog never touched a chicken again but would hunt his ass off in the bird woods

I’ve always said there’s no such thing as a bad dog. It’s bad owners that are the problem
« Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 07:00:29 pm by LMAO »
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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2024, 07:29:33 pm »
A lot of assumptions here.

We don't know the details.

The dog may well have been well trained and simply behaved badly in spite of that. The dog has to go then. The dog is a danger to others and is destroying property.

If the dog was poorly trained and at 14 months was behaving badly it may well be too late to recover. The owner is responsible for that.

Dogs like people can have bad genes/defects. There are factors beyond environment. You can do everything right and still have things go bad.

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2024, 07:36:25 pm »
I know how this story would have changed completely with just two words.........Pit Bull, and there would not have been a single tear shed.

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2024, 07:45:47 pm »
Remember Romney got in trouble for Seamus?

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2024, 07:57:17 pm »
All dogs have the natural instinct to chase prey. It’s up to the owner to train them

My bird dogs ignore everything but their target. None of them chase deer cause I break them from that

Years ago, we had somebody who shot a neighbor dog because it was chasing a deer. It turned out to be a very expensive decision for that person and rightly so

And 14 months is still considered a pup. Especially larger breeds. And a hunting dog is geared more towards chasing birds

I agree with the poster that stated it sounded like she didn’t even bother to train it and then was upset when the dog did what it naturally is supposed to do. Dogs don’t learn like we do. But they can learn

I had a labrador once that was so well trained against chasing livestock that you could take him to a city park where people were feeding ducks and he would ignore them. But my son would take him duck hunting and he would retrieve every bird

We’ve raised chickens and labradors, and only once had a problem that I fixed, and the dog never touched a chicken again but would hunt his ass off in the bird woods

I’ve always said there’s no such thing as a bad dog. It’s bad owners that are the problem

I'll disagree with your final conclusion.
There ARE bad dogs.

I had a dog named Max. Typical mountain dog - crossed between G.Shepherd and Husky.
And like such a dog is laid out, he loved battle.
A holy terror to coyotes. And any stray dog that entered onto his territory was immediately dispatched - Didn't really matter how many.

Such a dog has a preeminent value. His main job, and he did that job better than any.
But the animals within his care were also fair game.
He took out several chickens. He wouldn't stop shagging after the horses. He picked all the hair off my sister's cat. He wouldn't let up from it, no matter what.

And then one day he was gone. The old man had enough.

But that dog was an exception, not the rule. Many dogs like him have lived and died within our gates without that trouble. So it wasn't in the raising of him... But rather, a nature particular to him. He was all outlaw, and could not function within the societal bounds, where many others could.

Now, I will admit that dogs tend toward being a commodity on a ranch. They have a job, and that job puts em in harms way. So their lives are not of the same sort of ease one might find in the city, and they surely won't last as long. But their value is great - They are not summarily dispatched without reason. They are not destroyed without some final straw.

That's what this episode sounds like to me.

But at the same time, it is a more nuanced relationship than it seems. For instance a dog is likely to be able to nip at folks - even children - with far more toleration than city folks could bear. Some dgs, it's in their nature, and a kid needs to learn how to avoid it... Some dogs it's unlikely, and there's a reason why the child got a nip and it's marked off as serving the kid right, and he FAFO'd. Every redneck boy has one of them stories.

And I was sitting on the porch one time at one of my friend's places... The rooster went off on one of the yard dogs... It went on a bit, and the dog finally lost his patience and shook the rooster to death - Just that quick. He dropped the bird and looked at the old man with an 'oh, shit!' expression... The old man waived him off. Said, "Served him right... That damn rooster went after Margie (his wife) and was due to go to the pot." So it was the rooster's fault, and the dog was free to make him pay. But that dog didn't have it in him to kill chickens as a normal sequence.

Another time, down south, at one of my kin's place, the yard dogs set off nipping at all the kids... And they all went screaming and crying into the house... Well the men folk went out back to figure this out, and there's one of the dogs, laying in the yard, dang near dead, with a water moccasin, dead, not a far off. That dog recovered, and got a steak dinner out of that deal.

So it ain't so easy as you put it. It's a nuanced relationship, and farm dogs generally have a whole lot of leeway, with a whole lot of understanding wrt their nature. They know their place. They know where the lines are. If they can't abide that, it's just a matter of time.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 08:01:45 pm by roamer_1 »

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2024, 07:58:22 pm »
I know how this story would have changed completely with just two words.........Pit Bull, and there would not have been a single tear shed.

You are correct; Pit Bull, Doberman or Rottweiler. I myself am partial to Dobies.  They are gentle babies.
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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #40 on: April 27, 2024, 07:58:49 pm »
I have neighbors who save the $100 vet bill and humanely put down their gravely ill pups with a single shot.  No less or more humane that the vet injecting the Pentobarbibal.  I've wouldn't be able to pull the trigger in that scenario, but have no problem with those who do.

Still, the way she communicated the pet euthanasia issue was massively dumb. There was no reason for any form of public discussion around it. 
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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #41 on: April 27, 2024, 08:00:28 pm »
I'll disagree with your final conclusion.
There ARE bad dogs.

I had a dog named Max. Typical mountain dog - crossed between G.Shepherd and Husky.
And like such a dog is laid out, he loved battle.
A holy terror to coyotes. And any stray dog that entered onto his territory was immediately dispatched - Didn't really matter how many.

Such a dog has a preeminent value. His main job, and he did that job better than any.
But the animals within his care were also fair game.
He took out several chickens. He wouldn't stop shagging after the horses. He picked all the hair off my sister's cat. He wouldn't let up from it, no matter what.

And then one day he was gone. The old man had enough.

But that dog was an exception, not the rule. Many dogs like him have lived and died within our gates without that trouble. So it wasn't in the raising of him... But rather, a nature particular to him. He was all outlaw, and could not function within the societal bounds, where many others could.

Now, I will admit that dogs tend toward being a commodity on a ranch. They have a job, and that job puts em in harms way. So their lives are not of the same sort of ease one might find in the city, and they surely won't last as long. But their value is great - They are not summarily dispatched without reason. They are not destroyed without some final straw.

That's what this episode sounds like to me.

But at the same time, it is a more nuanced relationship than it seems. For instance a dog is likely to be able to nip at folks - even children - with far more toleration than city folks could bear. Some dgs, it's in their nature, and a kid needs to learn how to avoid it... Some dogs it's unlikely, and there's a reason why the child got a nip and it's marked off as serving the kid right, and he FAFO'd. Every redneck boy has one of them stories.

And I was sitting on the porch one time at one of my friend's places... The rooster went off on one of the yard dogs... It went on a bit, and the dog finally lost his patience and shook the rooster to death - Just that quick. He dropped the bird and looked at the old man with an 'oh, shit!' expression... The old man waived him off. Said, "Served him right... That damn rooster went after Margie (his wife) and was due to go to the pot." So it was the rooster's fault, and the dog was free to make him pay. But that dog didn't have it in him to kill chickens as a normal sequence.

Another time, down south, at one of my kin's place, the yard dogs set off nipping at all the kids... And they all went screaming and crying into the house... Well the man folk went out back to figure this out, and there;s one of the dogs, laying in the yard, dang near dead, with a water moccasin, dead, not a far off. That dog recovered, and got a steak dinner out of that deal.

So it ain't so easy as you put it. It's a nuanced relationship, and farm dogs generally have a whole lot of leeway, with a whole lot of understanding wrt their nature. They know their place. They know where the lines are. If they can't abide that, it's just a matter of time.

Great stories.  :beer:
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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2024, 08:23:51 pm »
I have neighbors who save the $100 vet bill and humanely put down their gravely ill pups with a single shot.  No less or more humane that the vet injecting the Pentobarbibal.  I've wouldn't be able to pull the trigger in that scenario, but have no problem with those who do.

Still, the way she communicated the pet euthanasia issue was massively dumb. There was no reason for any form of public discussion around it.

Definitely poor judgement on her part, though I'm not so sure that it will have any impact on her getting re-elected as governor.

If Trump should select her as his VP, it will be an issue.
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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2024, 08:36:55 pm »
Just in case y'all missed this part:

Noem decided to shoot Cricket after the dog killed a local family’s chickens after a pheasant hunting trip and then bit her when she tried to intervene.

That's the line. Dog crossed it. I have put down a dog I dearly loved over seriously biting the wrong person. Frankly, If I did not, it would have been done for me. It sucks, it's a tough job, but one that has to be done. Doing what has to be done, the hard job, justly, even if it is not popular or enjoyable, when it needs to be done, well, that's something leaders need to have in order to be effective.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 08:37:43 pm by Smokin Joe »
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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #44 on: April 27, 2024, 08:38:48 pm »
Just in case y'all missed this part:

That's the line. Dog crossed it. I have put down a dog I dearly loved over seriously biting the wrong person. Frankly, If I did not, it would have been done for me. It sucks, it's a tough job, but one that has to be done. Doing what has to be done, the hard job, justly, even if it is not popular or enjoyable, when it needs to be done, well, that's something leaders need to have in order to be effective.

And a serious legal liability due to its past.

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #45 on: April 27, 2024, 08:39:09 pm »
Just in case y'all missed this part:

That's the line. Dog crossed it. I have put down a dog I dearly loved over seriously biting the wrong person. Frankly, If I did not, it would have been done for me. It sucks, it's a tough job, but one that has to be done. Doing what has to be done, the hard job, justly, even if it is not popular or enjoyable, when it needs to be done, well, that's something leaders need to have in order to be effective.

That's right. Not to mention the property loss - which is grounds on it's own.

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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #46 on: April 27, 2024, 08:41:17 pm »
Just in case y'all missed this part:

That's the line. Dog crossed it. I have put down a dog I dearly loved over seriously biting the wrong person. Frankly, If I did not, it would have been done for me. It sucks, it's a tough job, but one that has to be done. Doing what has to be done, the hard job, justly, even if it is not popular or enjoyable, when it needs to be done, well, that's something leaders need to have in order to be effective.

Yes, I missed it.  Thanks for pointing that out. 
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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #47 on: April 27, 2024, 09:13:11 pm »
Just in case y'all missed this part:

That's the line. Dog crossed it. I have put down a dog I dearly loved over seriously biting the wrong person. Frankly, If I did not, it would have been done for me. It sucks, it's a tough job, but one that has to be done. Doing what has to be done, the hard job, justly, even if it is not popular or enjoyable, when it needs to be done, well, that's something leaders need to have in order to be effective.

LOL!  Noem just sent me an email where I can buy an autographed hardbound for a donation, probably $50 or $100.
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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #48 on: April 29, 2024, 06:03:28 pm »
Nolte: Kristi Noem Shot Her Dog and Political Future in the Head

Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) has committed the most astounding act of political suicide since Gary Hart.
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Re: PETA calls Noem a ‘psychotic loony’ for deadly dog story
« Reply #49 on: April 29, 2024, 06:16:19 pm »
Noem is not psychotic; she's a psychopath (does away with people and animals that are no longer useful to her) - a perfect running mate for Trump.

Putting his dog, Seamus, on the roof of the family car (in 1983) cost Romeny votes in 2012 Presidential Campaign.

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