Author Topic: Prices rises sharply again, PCE shows, and signals progress on slowing inflation stalls  (Read 2612 times)

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Regardless of what the stats indicate, have you been to the grocery store lately?  I couldn't believe how much groceries have gone up since the last time I shopped -- I estimate I spent $110-$120 more this month than last. Let's Go Brandon!!!! 

Prices rises sharply again, PCE shows, and signals progress on slowing inflation stalls

Prices in the U.S. jumped again in March based on the Federal Reserve’s preferred PCE index, signaling that progress on reducing inflation has stalled.

The PCE index rose 0.3% last month, the government said Friday. Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal had forecast a 0.3% gain.

The more closely followed core rate that strips out food and energy also increased 0.3%. The core index is viewed as a better predictor of future inflation.

The inflation readings in February and January, meanwhile, were revised to show slightly bigger increases than previously reported. But the changes were small enough that the prior estimates for headline and core PCE were basically unchanged due to rounding.

The yearly rate of inflation, meanwhile, climbed to 2.7% from 2.5%.

The rate of core inflation in the 12 months ended in March was unchanged at 2.8%..............
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We re looking at at least 8-10 years before this is solved. It's clear that neither candidate this round is interested in dealing seriously with this issue

So let's say someone gets elected who is serious in 2028. That person doesn't get sworn in until 2029.  This isn't something that gets fixed in one year. It will take awhile even with the right policies

But with these numbers, there is no way Biden and the media will have any hope to convince the electorate that the economy is doing great

« Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 10:35:38 pm by LMAO »
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Online roamer_1

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Print more money and give it away. That'll fix it.

Online libertybele

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We re looking at at least 8-10 years before this is solved. It's clear that neither candidate this round is interested in dealing seriously with this issue

So let's say someone gets elected who is serious in 2028. That person doesn't get sworn in until 2029.  This isn't something that gets fixed in one year. It will take awhile even with the right policies

But with these numbers, there is no way Biden and the media will have any hope to convince the electorate that the economy is doing great

It's not a matter of the numbers.  It's a matter of Americans' pain at the gas pump, trying to keep food on the table and trying to geed their families.  No one needs to know the stats, all one needs to do is try to balance their monthly budget and try to make ends meet.
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Online libertybele

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Print more money and give it away. That'll fix it.

Yeppers -- that works every time.  *****rollingeyes*****
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