Author Topic: Columbia Lets 48-Hour Deadline Slide With No Action Against Student Protesters  (Read 3071 times)

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Columbia Lets 48-Hour Deadline Slide With No Action Against Student Protesters
'There is a rumor that the NYPD has been invited to campus this evening. This rumor is false,' school officials said late Thursday
Jessica Costescu
April 26, 2024

MANHATTAN—More than a week after its formation, the "Gaza Solidarity" tent encampment at Columbia University lives on, with school president Minouche Shafik letting her 48-hour deadline to clear the area slide without taking action against student protesters.
Student protesters celebrated another night in the encampment late Thursday with chants of "There is only one solution, intifada revolution" and "Long live the intifada." Those chants came just hours before the university's 48-hour deadline to clear the encampment was set to expire.

The students appeared to prepare for their arrest as the deadline approached, with student leaders informing protesters of their "jail support infrastructure." Instead, Columbia officials issued a statement just before midnight saying their talks with the protesters "have shown progress and are continuing as planned."

"There is a rumor that the NYPD has been invited to campus this evening," the school said. "This rumor is false."
« Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 05:19:37 pm by rangerrebew »
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They need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, now.
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It's obvious who the President of Columbia fears the most.  It ain't us.
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