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Advocates urge Austin to act on active duty obesity ‘epidemic’


Advocates urge Austin to act on active duty obesity ‘epidemic’
By Karen Jowers
 Apr 25, 03:45 PM
The military must take swift, decisive action to address obesity in the ranks, according to a new letter sent to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Wednesday by a group of more than 50 individuals and organizations, including 21 retired senior military leaders.

The letter, spearheaded by the American Security Project, urges defense leaders to strike at the core of the problem on five fronts related to prevention, identification and treatment of obesity in the military.

“This crisis has far-reaching impacts on readiness and retention,” wrote the group, which also includes health experts and advocacy organizations.

The missive follows a study released by the organization last year showing that more than two-thirds of active duty members are overweight or obese. About 1 out of 5 active duty members meet the clinical standard for obesity.

Surely the military isn't going to fat shame, fat ass, overweight military personnel by making them lose weight?  That would be unwoke. :whistle:


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