General Category > Economy/Business

Biden Calls for Record-High Tax Rate, Just a Few Points Shy of 50%

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--- Quote from: catfish1957 on April 30, 2024, 02:54:49 pm ---Thought the same thing.  Some of us play by the rules (Hell I don't even itemize), and I pay my fair share, at my upper bracket.   in fact I've paid the IRS close to $2M in my lifetime.

I find it  ironic that the same TBR member bitching about Billionaires (legally) getting tax breaks, might be looking a some IRS infractions  for his own dirty deeds if he got caught

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He's completely outed himself. He "identifies" as conservative and is nothing of the sort. He's a leftist doing what leftist do. They demand government take more from someone else while outright cheating on what they owe themselves. Their ethics are entirely situational, the ends justify the means.


--- Quote from: DB on April 30, 2024, 03:02:21 pm ---He's completely outed himself. He "identifies" as conservative and is nothing of the sort. He's a leftist doing what leftist do. They demand government take more from someone else while outright cheating on what they owe themselves. Their ethics are entirely situational, the ends justify the means.

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Yep, left leaning troll plant, who gets an IMDB acting rating of 3....   Or a Romney/Cheney republican trying to pry away a few votes.

This is probably appropriate for this thread


--- Quote from: LMAO on April 30, 2024, 10:48:50 pm ---This is probably appropriate for this thread

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As I watch this video, what immediately comes to mind is how valuable people like Elon Musk are  to society and what a waste of space someone like Elizabeth Warren is

I’d rather see more money remain in the hands of people like Elon Musk who are creating new technologies and  jobs versus going to DC in the hands of people like Elizabeth Warren who only squander it


--- Quote from: LMAO on May 01, 2024, 11:12:20 am ---As I watch this video, what immediately comes to mind is how valuable people like Elon Musk are  to society and what a waste of space someone like Elizabeth Warren is

I’d rather see more money remain in the hands of people like Elon Musk who are creating new technologies and  jobs versus going to DC in the hands of people like Elizabeth Warren who only squander it

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Spot on,


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