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It's Going to Take Some Serious Fraud to Help Biden Win> David Strom


It's Going to Take Some Serious Fraud to Help Biden Win
David Strom

The Democrat attacks on Trump have brought to mind a scene from Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan--the only really good Star Trek movie ever made.

Khan keeps trying to kill Kirk, and he keeps failing despite his supposedly being a superior being. He is bigger, smarter, faster, and a survivor, but somehow can't beat the everyman captain. After yet another failed attempt to kill Kirk, one of the key memorable scenes plays out:

What brought this to mind was the results of a Morning Consult/Bloomberg poll of the key swing states, which shows Biden's support in the key swing states pretty much collapsing.

Early polls...Snapshot in time...<insert a disclaimer here>...blah blah blah. All true. But man, this poll sucks for the senile old man.

Biden down 10 points in North Carolina? 8 points in Nevada? The only states he is in striking distance are Pennsylvania and Michigan, for God's sake!


If indeed we see an election this Nov., I predict Trump will win MI

There were little to no consequences for the fraud last time around. They'll only get bolder. Both the media and the DOJ have their back.


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