Author Topic: Is Joe Biden a sitting duck? Biden should be more concerned than anyone about the precedent the Trum  (Read 2011 times)

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April 23, 2024
Is Joe Biden a sitting duck? Biden should be more concerned than anyone about the precedent the Trump trials are setting
By Monica Showalter

With news about the White House's collusion with prosecutors in the slew of trials thrown at President Trump as he campaigns for re-election, it's natural to think that Joe Biden and his mentor, Barack Obama, are mainly interested in knocking him out of the race before anyone can get a chance to vote for him.

Obama, after all, got his start in politics by doing just that. No one can say that Obama doesn't know the Chicago Way.

But while this activity is natural for Obama, Joe Biden looks more like a sitting duck, an unwitting boob, a goose, slowly being fattened for the Christmas dinner.

Alex Berenson's essay about the bad precedent these trials set drew me to this idea. He wrote:

    And so the world - at least that part of the world that’s paid any attention to the charges underlying the case - will be confronted with the spectacle of the leading opposition candidate for President being hamstrung and hauled into court twice by prosecutors affiliated with the ruling party in cases that - at the least - stink of selective prosecution.

    If this isn’t lawfare, I don’t know what is

He outlines the absurdity of the case, a ledger error within Trump's own personal notes is at the crux of the case, and a claimed underlying crime of trying to influence his own election, which is absurd. On that, he notes that the so-called crime happened in 2017, which was after he was already elected president.

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Online Fishrrman

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No one's going to indict ol' white joe for anything.

He's just too old and not in control of his faculties any more.
In other words, incompetent to understand the charges against him, and thus, face trial.

Offline libertybele

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No one's going to indict ol' white joe for anything.

He's just too old and not in control of his faculties any more.
In other words, incompetent to understand the charges against him, and thus, face trial.

Yes, there's that, but the leftists need someone who is clueless and can continue to be a placeholder for them as well.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2024, 10:44:34 pm by libertybele »
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No one's going to indict ol' white joe for anything.

He's just too old and not in control of his faculties any more.
In other words, incompetent to understand the charges against him, and thus, face trial.

But, strangely, competent enough to be POTUS
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