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Blue state departures hit the coffers hard, so progressive Democrats devise a creative new way to to

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April 24, 2024
Blue state departures hit the coffers hard, so progressive Democrats devise a creative new way to tourniquet the revenue bleed
By Olivia Murray

When does the tarring and feathering start?

You didn’t vote for this garbage, but your useful idiot neighbors did, so now you’ve decided to pack up and head to a state with lighter tax burdens (still a burden, but nonetheless more doable), where the government isn’t prioritizing “trans-ing” your child behind your back and threatening to sever the parental relationship if you get in the way; where prosecutors won’t come after you if you’re forced to defend yourself (or others, as in the case of Daniel Penny) against the aggression of a violent criminal; and where illegal invaders aren’t treated like royalty, all on your dime. Well, now there’s a fine for that. Introducing… the “Exit Tax.”

You think you’re just going to emancipate yourself from the tyranny of Democrat-run jurisdictions and flee to a friendlier locale? Bless your heart. Here’s the story, from a new report out at Fox News just this morning:

    Ready to pick up and move to another state? Well, you might have to think twice because broke blue states are coming up with a new, creative way to tax you when you cross the border: the EXIT TAX.

This policy is already established in one state—if you guessed California, you’d be correct— but other debt-saddled Democrat states are looking to follow suit. (If you weren’t up to speed, California is facing a historic deficit in the tens of billions.) Now, while the government calls this a “tax” it’s obviously not a tax at all, but a fine, penalizing a producer for rejecting the policies of the progressive Democrat party, the same ones turning everything they touch into a dystopian and apocalyptic landfill.


Hence the old adage:

"You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out!"

Would this even be constitutional?

You’re punishing people for freely moving around  the country. Why don’t they just Forget the tax and build  an iron curtain around the blue states so people can’t leave?


--- Quote from: LMAO on April 24, 2024, 04:05:44 pm ---Would this even be constitutional?

You’re punishing people for freely moving around  the country. Why don’t they just Forget the tax and build  an iron curtain around the blue states so people can’t leave?

--- End quote ---

We are way past "is it constitutional" on many fronts. We've moved from a constitutional republic to mob rule.

Luckily, I don't have $30 million ... yet ... but Dems will eventually lower the threshold just as fisherman use nets with smallers holes to catch smaller fish.

If you ain't got $30 million and live in Cali ... move out now before they lower that threshold.


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