Author Topic: Migrants Secure Billions of Dollars in Taxpayer Funding for Housing, Food, Health Care Across Sanctu  (Read 1083 times)

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Migrants Secure Billions of Dollars in Taxpayer Funding for Housing, Food, Health Care Across Sanctuary States

John Binder23 Apr 20245

Sanctuary states are planning to dish out billions in American taxpayer dollars to migrants in 2024, offering housing, food, and health care, among other things, to the new arrivals that have entered the United States on President Joe Biden’s watch.

In New York, legislators approved a $237 billion budget, expected to be signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul (D), that includes about $2.4 billion to provide housing, health care, and legal services to newly arrived migrants.

New York State Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt has warned that such funding for migrants will only entice more illegal immigration to the sanctuary state.

In the sanctuary city of Chicago, Illinois, the city council voted 30-18 to approve $70 million in additional funding to house, feed, and provide health care to the nearly 40,000 migrants who have arrived since August 2022.

In addition, Illinois state officials along with the federal government are providing Chicago with $48 million in funds to provide care for migrants. Even more money, some $182 million, is expected to be allotted to migrants by Illinois state lawmakers as part of a budget for 2025.

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