Author Topic: Colorado Turns Schools into Welfare Agencies as Thousands of Needy Migrant Children Enroll  (Read 1231 times)

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Colorado Turns Schools into Welfare Agencies as Thousands of Needy Migrant Children Enroll

Warner Todd Huston 22 Apr 2024

Denver and other Colorado communities have transformed schools into welfare agencies as tens of thousands of children of illegal border crossers flood into the state’s schools, where they get free food, clothing, shoes, healthcare, and education at taxpayers’ expense.

The Washington Post reported the transformation of the Centennial State’s schools from educational facilities to full-on welfare agencies where kids of all ages — many of whom have never gone to school in their entire lives — are enrolled by the thousands.

The paper began its story by talking about eleven-year-old Alberto, who was enrolled in a school in Aurora, Colorado. At eleven, Alberto had never attended school and spoke no English. Despite this, Alberto has been shoehorned into fourth grade even though his presence brings down everyone in the classroom because he has no educational basis to be in fourth grade.

The Post adds that more than 2,800 children of illegals have flooded the Aurora school system. Aurora is far from alone. Denver, the state’s largest school system, has been inundated with more than 3,700 children of illegals just over the course of the 2023-2024 school year.

Denver, the paper adds, usually welcomes about 500 children of illegals a year, but, in the past year, that number has skyrocketed to 250 every week, as President Joe Biden’s border crisis continues.

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