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Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)

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1. I haven't flown since 1968...but I have an airplane story that I think about all the time...We were stationed overseas for several years...last post was in No.Africa...The USAF flew us home..since my dad was a pilot he took the controls for awhile...he came back to get me and took me up to the cockpit where I sat on his was magical..all I could see were stars..stars everywhere...

2. Would be Jesus..there are really times I need to talk to him..

3. So many movies that I love..I'll go with my fav John Wayne...The Searchers..

4. Yes, I think I have a good sense of direction...but Mike would not agree who btw has NO sense of direction..

5. Billy my last English Bulldog...if a human he would be a fat slob... :bullie smokin:

6. I had to think about this...Years ago I let my sil, who just graduated from cosmetology school, cut my was terrible and I often wondered how many women got this same hairstyle.

7. I guess my phone or tablet...that way I can stay up to date with the news and or read... :shrug:

1. Flying into JFK at night during a bad T-storm. The pilot made three attempts to land. On the third attempt we were low and I could see the runway lights when we got hit with a side blast of wind and the runway lights disappeared. Rough ride. Seemingly half of the passengers were screaming and the other half puking. They took us to Philly and we sat there for six hours on the plane before they flew us back to NYC.

2. Robert Monroe

3. Shawshank Redemption

4. Really bad sense of direction in really bad fog.


6. Not applicable

7. Book.  I don't have a damned phone.

1.   What’s your worst airport story?
I've never ridden a commercial airliner but I have been on intercity buses. The worst experience I remember was when I was coming home from college. It was spring break, I was taking a more southerly bus route than I usually used because it was supposed to be able to drop me off right at home. Well, that day I TWICE missed my connection. The first time, the bus operator turned the bus around and let me on. The second, due to a spring snowstorm, ended up an hour late. I ended up having to get a ride 20 miles from home.

2.   With whom would you most want to go out for a beer? (Living or not)
A single woman, looking for marriage, who shares my values.

3.   What’s your favorite past movie to re-watch?
I guess I'd have to say A Christmas Story. I generally only watch movies around the holidays and only then because of tradition.

4.   Do you have a good sense of direction?
Yes. They used to call me the Navigatrex 5000.

5.   If your pet had a human job, he or she would be a __________?
Tour guide.

6.   What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever had?
As a teenager, I briefly sported a mullet. Disclaimer: I actually liked it. But my local hairstylist would only let me have it once. My least favorite was the buzzcuts that I had to settle for as a kid. I look back at my childhood pictures and I have never liked what my hair looked like when it was short. It's why, other than shaving my head once as an adult during lockdown, I've had professionals style my hair ever since.

7.   On a long trip, which would you rather have – a paper book or your phone?
Phone. I'll probably be checking the weather along the route and listening to music.

1.   What’s your worst airport story?

Dhahran Saudi Arabia by a mile! The first time I ever landed there we were in a stretch DC 8 that landed with a 30MPH+ wind blowing directly across the runway. That plane went from one set of wheels to the other for what seemed like forever and I was never so glad to see anything stop!

2.   With whom would you most want to go out for a beer? (Living or not)

Jesus Christ if he was willing. Beyond that, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, or Henry B. Knox. (Preferably all of them and I'd be buying.)

3.   What’s your favorite past movie to re-watch?

Modern, Braveheart. Old, African Queen.

4.   Do you have a good sense of direction?


5.   If your pet had a human job, he or she would be a __________?


6.   What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever had?

Long! With a beard.

7.   On a long trip, which would you rather have – a paper book or your phone?

A book for sure but now it would be on my Kindle.

1.   What’s your worst airport story?
a.) Arrive in Ft Lauderdale, but luggage didn't.  Fight almost breaks out between two Lymies in line to file a claim for lost luggage.
b.) Miami International Airport - took so long to get from International flight terminal to Domestic flight terminal, barely caught our flight to Boston as they were just about to close the cabin door.
c.) Boston Logan Airport - flight lands at 11:00 PM; only 1 gate open for departures and arrivals; there's an outbound flight getting de-iced at that gate for two hours; passenegers on my arriving flight start a revolt; we eventually arrive at the only open gate at 1:30 AM.
2.   With whom would you most want to go out for a beer? (Living or not)
Winston Churchill
3.   What’s your favorite past movie to re-watch?
It's A Mad Mad Mad World
4.   Do you have a good sense of direction?
Only when I'm not lost ... when you get lost a lot, you also get better at getting found.
5.   If your pet had a human job, he or she would be a __________?
Traffic cop.
6.   What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever had?
Wiffle ... makes me look too young.
7.   On a long trip, which would you rather have – a paper book or your phone?
Neither.  Snacks and handiwipes are more parctical.


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