Author Topic: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)  (Read 2166 times)

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Offline AllThatJazzZ

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Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« on: April 21, 2024, 09:14:22 pm »
Let's lighten things up, y'all.

1.   What’s your worst airport story?

2.   With whom would you most want to go out for a beer? (Living or not)

3.   What’s your favorite past movie to re-watch?

4.   Do you have a good sense of direction?

5.   If your pet had a human job, he or she would be a __________?

6.   What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever had?

7.   On a long trip, which would you rather have – a paper book or your phone?


1.   My BFF and I were going to Cozumel. Got to the airport and realized I'd forgotten the tickets.  9999hair out0000 My mother had to go across town to my apartment, pick up the tickets and bring them all the way out to the airport. In the nick of time.

2.   Glen Campbell  3333hugs 3333hugs 3333hugs I want him to bring his guitar and not have anything else planned for the rest of the day.

3.   So many, but for now I'll say "Gentleman's Agreement" since it seems so elusive and difficult to catch on TV. I don't think I've seen it all the way through from beginning to end.

4.   Outstanding sense of direction. I had a GPS in my bones before GPS was a thing.

5.   Rocket scientist (because he's brilliant) + dancing circus dog (because he's talented).

6.   That time after a home perm when I ended up looking like Richard Simmons. *bouche* :facepalm2:

7.   My phone. I can read + listen to music + watch a movie as my mood changes.

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Online Smokin Joe

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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2024, 09:34:26 pm »
1: Flew into Billings, MT for a connecting flight to Casper, WY for work. Had consolidated my essential tools into one box, which was left in Billings by the airline...It took a week for that bit of checked luggage to catch up, the guy who started the job made a complete mess of it, and I caught hell for his foul-ups, which would not have happened if my stuff had arrived at the same time I did.

2: Elon Musk (living), failing a cup of wine with Jesus, George Washington (not living).

3: Casablanca.

4: In the boonies, even caves, yes. On the interstates, the road doesn't always go where I think I should.

5: Bodyguard, companion, therapist (my only one), Security. (friend)

6: Thin. (and getting thinner). Never really had a 'hairstyle', ranged from crew cuts as a kid to small of my back today.

7: A book. You can flip back and re-read it easily, the battery doesn't die, and in a pinch, you can use it for everything from personal sanitation to tinder for starting a fire.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Offline AllThatJazzZ

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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2024, 10:00:09 pm »

7: A book. You can flip back and re-read it easily, the battery doesn't die, and in a pinch, you can use it for everything from personal sanitation to tinder for starting a fire.

@Smokin Joe

Can't argue with the practicality of this.

A government big enough to give you everything you want
is a government big enough to take away everything you have.

Any government that can silence its critics
has a license for any kind of atrocity.
(RFK, Jr., September 2024)

Offline mountaineer

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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2024, 10:12:14 pm »
1. Paris DeGaulle, 1990. Took my parents to France. The trip was very nice, even though my father definitely was exhibiting the dementia that would take his life three years later. I wanted him to see some of the places he'd visited on his 1968 trip. We saw Paris, the chateaux of the Loire, Normandy, Verdun. We ate well and had some adventures (the truck stop breakfast comes to mind). This was the return flight. It was pouring rain and the airline  - I don't remember which one - somehow decided my mother didn't have a seat and she'd have to stay behind in France. I begged, I pleaded that they sit together and I'd stay behind. I speak some French, I said; they don't. My father is sick, I said. Don't care, the airline person said. After a great deal of time and agonizing, and looking out the window at our bags not being loaded onto the plane and getting drenched on the tarmac instead, we finally heard my parents could sit together and I'd sit elsewhere on the flight back to the US. I think I cried the entire way back.

2. Tough one. Maybe some Civil War character. I'd like to meet Cal Coolidge, but don't see him as a beer guy.

3. Several: The Wizard of Oz, High Society, Blazing Saddles, Casablanca, Cast Away (I don't know why), among others.

4. Excellent.

5. Paper shredder. I haven't had a dog for 28 years, but she was good at shredding. She utterly destroyed a pair of pantyhose -they came out the other end, to her embarrassment - and a Laura Ashley sweater, later known as a vest.

6. The late-80s perm.

7. Definitely a book. I don't use my phone except to check for texts in the morning. Otherwise, it's turned off.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 10:13:36 pm by mountaineer »

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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2024, 10:17:05 pm »

1.   What’s your worst airport story?

Due to weather we missed our connecting flight from Dallas into Denver. Our flight in Denver was grounded for awhile due to weather and our luggage was lost for a couple of days.  We had to take an airport taxi from Denver into Grand Junction. Talk about a white-knuckled ride -- but the driver got us there just in time for us to meet up with our group and have dinner.

2.   With whom would you most want to go out for a beer? (Living or not)

This was a difficult one at first as there are so many famous people that I'd like to meet, however, I truly miss my brother who passed in 1993 - so that's who I choose.

3.   What’s your favorite past movie to re-watch?

The Blues Brothers

4.   Do you have a good sense of direction?

Not at all.

5.   If your pet had a human job, he or she would be a __________?

Security guard.

6.   What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever had?

In high school I cut my hair really short - Twiggy short.  Everyone loved it but me.

7.   On a long trip, which would you rather have – a paper book or your phone?

Years ago, I would have opted for a paper book,  but without a phone these days, there's no way to call people (no phone booths), text people or keep up with world events, notification of appts., travel arrangements, etc.
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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2024, 10:26:17 pm »
1. I haven't flown since 1968...but I have an airplane story that I think about all the time...We were stationed overseas for several years...last post was in No.Africa...The USAF flew us home..since my dad was a pilot he took the controls for awhile...he came back to get me and took me up to the cockpit where I sat on his was magical..all I could see were stars..stars everywhere...

2. Would be Jesus..there are really times I need to talk to him..

3. So many movies that I love..I'll go with my fav John Wayne...The Searchers..

4. Yes, I think I have a good sense of direction...but Mike would not agree who btw has NO sense of direction..

5. Billy my last English Bulldog...if a human he would be a fat slob... :bullie smokin:

6. I had to think about this...Years ago I let my sil, who just graduated from cosmetology school, cut my was terrible and I often wondered how many women got this same hairstyle.

7. I guess my phone or tablet...that way I can stay up to date with the news and or read... :shrug:
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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2024, 10:26:18 pm »
1. Flying into JFK at night during a bad T-storm. The pilot made three attempts to land. On the third attempt we were low and I could see the runway lights when we got hit with a side blast of wind and the runway lights disappeared. Rough ride. Seemingly half of the passengers were screaming and the other half puking. They took us to Philly and we sat there for six hours on the plane before they flew us back to NYC.

2. Robert Monroe

3. Shawshank Redemption

4. Really bad sense of direction in really bad fog.


6. Not applicable

7. Book.  I don't have a damned phone.
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Offline jmyrlefuller

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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2024, 10:51:19 pm »
1.   What’s your worst airport story?
I've never ridden a commercial airliner but I have been on intercity buses. The worst experience I remember was when I was coming home from college. It was spring break, I was taking a more southerly bus route than I usually used because it was supposed to be able to drop me off right at home. Well, that day I TWICE missed my connection. The first time, the bus operator turned the bus around and let me on. The second, due to a spring snowstorm, ended up an hour late. I ended up having to get a ride 20 miles from home.

2.   With whom would you most want to go out for a beer? (Living or not)
A single woman, looking for marriage, who shares my values.

3.   What’s your favorite past movie to re-watch?
I guess I'd have to say A Christmas Story. I generally only watch movies around the holidays and only then because of tradition.

4.   Do you have a good sense of direction?
Yes. They used to call me the Navigatrex 5000.

5.   If your pet had a human job, he or she would be a __________?
Tour guide.

6.   What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever had?
As a teenager, I briefly sported a mullet. Disclaimer: I actually liked it. But my local hairstylist would only let me have it once. My least favorite was the buzzcuts that I had to settle for as a kid. I look back at my childhood pictures and I have never liked what my hair looked like when it was short. It's why, other than shaving my head once as an adult during lockdown, I've had professionals style my hair ever since.

7.   On a long trip, which would you rather have – a paper book or your phone?
Phone. I'll probably be checking the weather along the route and listening to music.
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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2024, 10:51:43 pm »
1.   What’s your worst airport story?

Dhahran Saudi Arabia by a mile! The first time I ever landed there we were in a stretch DC 8 that landed with a 30MPH+ wind blowing directly across the runway. That plane went from one set of wheels to the other for what seemed like forever and I was never so glad to see anything stop!

2.   With whom would you most want to go out for a beer? (Living or not)

Jesus Christ if he was willing. Beyond that, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, or Henry B. Knox. (Preferably all of them and I'd be buying.)

3.   What’s your favorite past movie to re-watch?

Modern, Braveheart. Old, African Queen.

4.   Do you have a good sense of direction?


5.   If your pet had a human job, he or she would be a __________?


6.   What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever had?

Long! With a beard.

7.   On a long trip, which would you rather have – a paper book or your phone?

A book for sure but now it would be on my Kindle.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
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Offline DefiantMassRINO

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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2024, 10:54:49 pm »
1.   What’s your worst airport story?
a.) Arrive in Ft Lauderdale, but luggage didn't.  Fight almost breaks out between two Lymies in line to file a claim for lost luggage.
b.) Miami International Airport - took so long to get from International flight terminal to Domestic flight terminal, barely caught our flight to Boston as they were just about to close the cabin door.
c.) Boston Logan Airport - flight lands at 11:00 PM; only 1 gate open for departures and arrivals; there's an outbound flight getting de-iced at that gate for two hours; passenegers on my arriving flight start a revolt; we eventually arrive at the only open gate at 1:30 AM.

2.   With whom would you most want to go out for a beer? (Living or not)
Winston Churchill

3.   What’s your favorite past movie to re-watch?
It's A Mad Mad Mad World

4.   Do you have a good sense of direction?
Only when I'm not lost ... when you get lost a lot, you also get better at getting found.

5.   If your pet had a human job, he or she would be a __________?
Traffic cop.

6.   What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever had?
Wiffle ... makes me look too young.

7.   On a long trip, which would you rather have – a paper book or your phone?
Neither.  Snacks and handiwipes are more parctical.
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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2024, 01:09:33 am »
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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2024, 02:28:36 am »
1.   What’s your worst airport story?

In June 2011, I was on a Southwest Airlines flight to San Antonio for business-related tours at Lackland Air Force Base, Fort Sam Houston, and Brooke Army Medical Center.  It was a late evening flight and central Texas was hit with several severe tornado-spawning thunderstorms so we had to land at Love Field in Dallas.  It was about midnight, and we were told by the flight attendants that there would be a 6-hour or so layover there before continuing on to San Antonio International Airport.  Our luggage was NOT going to be offloaded, so we had to spend that night in the otherwise deserted gate area.  No agent was there to meet us or assist us, and I distinctly remembered a young mother with a fussy, hungry infant who was looking for help but received none from Southwest.  I found a dark corner to sit and snooze a bit but it was a tough night, especially with the crying baby, and I got little sleep, with my business visits scheduled to begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. that morning.  A gate agent arrived at 5:00 a.m. and we were back on the plane by 7:00 a.m., taking off shortly afterward.  We landed in San Antonio about an hour later and my military contact met me at arrival pick-up to rush me to Lackland for my first meeting.  I was tired and in pretty rough shape from overnighting at the Southwest gate area in Dallas, but somehow made all my engagements that day, before finally arriving at my hotel, checking-in, and crashing.

2.   With whom would you most want to go out for a beer? (Living or not)

Teddy Roosevelt would be fun!

3.   What’s your favorite past movie to re-watch?


4.   Do you have a good sense of direction?

Yes, I can do land navigation.

5.   If your pet had a human job, he or she would be a __________?


6.   What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever had?

1960s Beatles-style "bowl around the head" haircut when I was a kid (thanks Mom!)

7.   On a long trip, which would you rather have – a paper book or your phone?

Book.  Phones irritate me when I'm traveling.
aka "nasty degenerate SOB," "worst of the worst at Free Republic," "Garbage Troll," "Neocon Warmonger," "Filthy Piece of Trash," "damn $#%$#@!," "Silly f'er," "POS," "war pig," "neocon scumbag," "insignificant little ankle nipper," "@ss-clown," "neocuck," "termite," "Uniparty Deep stater," "Never Trump sack of dog feces," "avid Bidenista," "filthy Ukrainian," "war whore," "fricking chump," "psychopathic POS," "depraved SOB," and "Never Trump Moron."

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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2024, 02:59:45 am »
I was on an American Airlines flight that had just taken off with a horrible mechanical noise repeating over and over from below the passenger deck. The landing gear was stuck. It was a flight from North Caroline to Arizona. The hydraulics had failed... The plane circled dumping fuel for about 45 minutes and then went in for the landing... They didn't know if the landing gear was locked. We were all in the tucked position... Fire trucks and emergency vehicles followed the sides of the plane down the runway... There was no steering so the plane had to be towed to the gate to unload.

There was a distinct possibility I wasn't going to make it.

No fun at all.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 03:01:07 am by DB »

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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2024, 02:47:41 pm »

1.   What’s your worst airport story?

Definitely the worst flight experience for me was the time I was someone else's worst experience. When my 3rd son was a few months old we flew to Florida to visit my mother-in-law.  The flight there was fine, but on the flight home my kiddo decided he did NOT like it.  He began screaming his little head off about 10 minutes into the flight and could not be consoled.  I tried nursing so his ears would pop (he always refused to use a pacifier at all), walking him in the galley area, toys/distractions ... nothing but constant screaming. By about the middle of the flight I was crying, too, and just repeatedly apologizing to everyone. When we finally landed, as we were disembarking the very nice young man who had been our flight attendant handed me a little bag and said, "You're ok, but I think you need this."  I thanked him, apologized some more, and shoved the bag into my diaper bag.  When I got home and opened it I found 3 or 4 little bottles of liquor.  And for the record, I took Mr.-Fussy-Pants-With-Really-Good-Lungs to the doctor and no, he did not have any ear infection.  :shrug:

2.   With whom would you most want to go out for a beer? (Living or not)


3.   What’s your favorite past movie to re-watch?

The Princess Bride

4.   Do you have a good sense of direction?

Meh, average.

5.   If your pet had a human job, he or she would be a __________?

Max, the old, fat, long-haired dachshund, would definitely laze around all day and just collect welfare.

6.   What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever had?

My husband was laid off from his job just a couple of weeks after my 4th son was born.  Between the post-partum hormone changes and the stress of having 4 kids and a husband who was out of work, I lost a LOT of hair. I parted it on the opposite side and combed it in all kinds of strange ways to try to hide the huge bald spots.  It was pitiful.  Thank God, it did grow back.

7.   On a long trip, which would you rather have – a paper book or your phone?

My first answer is always going to be a book (or rather, my Kindle paperwhite), but I probably would end up choosing the phone because I would absolutely HATE not being able to be in touch with my kids. In a pinch, I could read (or use Audible) on my phone.
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Re: Fan Mail Friday (4-21-24)
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2024, 08:40:07 pm »
Pre 9/11 I flew into the Abilene airport to see my out-laws. My MIL (the best cook evah!) gave me homemade canned chow-chow and wild plum jelly. When passing security to go home evidently the jars looked suspicious, so my luggage was searched. The TSA guy saw what it was and said very seriously...Little lady, I'm gonna have to confiscate this. It looks dangerous. When he saw my lip start to quiver, he laughed and said he was kidding. Good thing because I might have had to go to jail to keep that particular "contraband", lol.

There are so many historical people I would love to talk to from the past. But I would like to talk to my granny to find out why she quit talking to grandpa for years...or my deceased hubby. Although my Granny didn't drink. But hubby did enjoy a beer or two. happy77

I watch so many movies over and over, it's hard to say. But probably GWTW is the most watched (and read).

Good sense of direction. Only acquired in later times. Once, long ago, we were in New Mexico and were going to Red River. I accidently gave directions to Santa Fe. Oops!

No pets presently. But I had a wolf/husky mix  that would have been an excellent exterminator. I called him Snake Killer. I miss him.

I wore my hair really long until I was 11 or 12. When my mom convinced me to cut it...the beautician gave me a style that looked like Prince Valiant. Really bad look.

Although I prefer a book, if on a trip and given the choice, today I'd have to choose a phone or tablet. More versatility.