Author Topic: US to announce first sanctions against an IDF unit over actions in West Bank  (Read 3720 times)

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US to announce first sanctions against an IDF unit over actions in West Bank
Brady Knox
April 20, 2024 4:25 pm

In a historic first, the United States is set to sanction a unit of the Israel Defense Forces.

According to three sources speaking with Axios, Secretary of State Antony Blinken will announce sanctions against the IDF’s 97th Netzah Yehuda Battalion. Notably, the sanctions are not due to any actions during the war in Gaza, but rather human rights abuses committed in the West Bank before Oct. 7, 2023.

The battalion is made up of ultra-Orthodox Jews with an emphasis on accommodating their religious practices. Following the low enlistment rates among ultra-Orthodox Jews, the battalion recently began to accept far-right youth who were rejected from other combat units. It has not been involved in active combat operations in Gaza.

Among the human rights abuses cited was its involvement in the death of elderly Palestinian American Omar Assad, who died after he was handcuffed, gagged, and forced to lie on his stomach for an extended period. Israel launched an investigation into the incident but decided against pursuing criminal charges against anyone involved, choosing only to “reprimand” one of the commanders.

The sanctions against the unit will prohibit it from receiving any U.S. military aid, participating in activities receiving American funding, and taking part in training with the U.S. military.

Several other units were investigated by the U.S. for abuses but cleared after remedying the behavior. The sanctions against the Netzah Yehuda Battalion will be removed if they are seen to have taken credible moves to remedy the problem as well.

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Offline LMAO

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The pro HAMAs wing of the Democratic Party is very powerful. Even Democrats who support Israel’s right to exist and defend itself know they  are powerless against this wing of their party.  Especially in an election year

This is going to be a difficult needle for Democrats to thread.
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LMAO observes (correctly):
"The pro HAMAs wing of the Democratic Party is very powerful. Even Democrats who support Israel’s right to exist and defend itself know they  are powerless against this wing of their party.  Especially in an election year"

Import muslims, get... islam.

Really... what's so hard to understand about that?

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Analyst: Biden, Blinken Endanger U.S. Soldiers with Sanctions on IDF Troops

The Biden administration’s reported decision to sanction a religious unit of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for alleged past human rights abuses will come back to haunt the U.S. as other countries do the same to American units.
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‘A Moral Low’: Netanyahu Slams Biden Decision to Sanction Religious IDF Unit

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the Biden administration’s reported decision Saturday to slap sanctions on a unit of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians in the past.
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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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The sanctions against the unit will prohibit it from receiving any U.S. military aid, participating in activities receiving American funding, and taking part in training with the U.S. military.

Hey, Bibi ----  don't go getting all upset about this.  Tell the US to keep its damn money and military support and run the IDF any way you see fit.  Do it, man!!

Online libertybele

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‘A Moral Low’: Netanyahu Slams Biden Decision to Sanction Religious IDF Unit

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the Biden administration’s reported decision Saturday to slap sanctions on a unit of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians in the past.

Yet the US has spent Billions to help Ukraine.

Brandon is anti-Israel, anti-American and just pure evil.

How many anti-Israeli groups has he let into the country??   888mouth
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