Author Topic: House fails to pass border security bill meant to appease Johnson’s right flank  (Read 3449 times)

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House fails to pass border security bill meant to appease Johnson’s right flank
Cami Mondeaux
April 20, 2024 1:07 pm

The House rejected a revised version of its signature border bill, offered by Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) as a way to appease some hard-line conservatives upset with the Republican leader over his proposed foreign aid supplemental package to Ukraine and Israel.

Lawmakers voted 215-199 to shoot down the border security package, falling short of the two-thirds majority threshold needed to pass the House under suspension of the rules. Only five Democrats voted with all Republicans in favor of the border bill.

Johnson introduced the latest border bill to appease those on his right flank who were upset the speaker’s proposed foreign aid package did not include any measures to address the crisis at the U.S. southern border. Its failure comes on the same day lawmakers are set to vote on the foreign aid proposals, although the border legislation was not included in that larger package that is expected to be sent to the Senate.

The latest iteration, named the End the Border Catastrophe Act, is largely based on H.R. 2 that passed the House last year. The bill includes several measures to limit the number of immigrants allowed into the country to seek asylum while also seeking to revive some Trump-era immigration policies that were dismantled under President Joe Biden.

However, the bill is slimmer in comparison to the original bill text, prompting anger among some hardliners who accused Johnson of using the proposal as a way to stave off threats to his speakership.

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Johnson's epic fail!  Plenty of money for Ukraine though!
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