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The Biden administration seems to be continuously ‘caught off guard’ as world events unfold


April 19, 2024
The Biden administration seems to be continuously ‘caught off guard’ as world events unfold
By Jack Hellner

With the Biden administration, it’s one “caught off guard” reaction after the other.

The U.S. had no idea that Israel was going to attack Iranian facilities in Syria; from The New York Times via Yahoo News:

    Israel was mere moments away from an airstrike on April 1 that killed several senior Iranian commanders at Iran’s embassy complex in Syria when it told the United States what was about to happen.

    Israel’s closest ally had just been caught off guard.

    Aides quickly alerted Jake Sullivan, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser; Jon Finer, the deputy national security adviser; Brett McGurk, Biden’s Middle East coordinator; and others, who saw that the strike could have serious consequences, a U.S. official said. Publicly, U.S. officials voiced support for Israel, but privately, they expressed anger that it would take such aggressive action against Iran without consulting Washington.

Of course, the Biden administration also had no idea that Hamas was going to attack Israel on October 7th, despite the group’s years of preparation.

The Bidenites also had no idea Afghanistan’s government would collapse so quickly, so  they did little to get Americans and Afghanistan supporters out ahead of time.

They also had no idea that when Biden campaigned on destroying the oil industry and signing executive orders to fulfill that promise, those policies would cause oil prices and inflation to spike.

When inflation started spiking, substantially because of energy policies and printing massive amounts of additional money, the Biden administration falsely claimed that inflation was transitional.


To be "caught off guard", one first must have a guard from which to be "caught offa" ...


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