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If they jail Trump, what’s next?

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Free Vulcan:
The real question is if Trump is jailed, and the Nat'l Convention still makes or already has made him the nominee. What then?

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--- Quote from: catfish1957 on April 20, 2024, 05:01:25 pm ---I am not a Trump fan by any means, but nothing that they are trying to pin on him is felonious, or deserving of jail time. 

If the loony left is successful of jailing him, or using that jailing to wrongly bias an election, I predict all hell will break loose. This will be become an unprecedented coup.

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IMO We've already experienced a coup with Brandon being inserted as president.  Jailing Trump would indeed be an unprecedented coup; however I believe it is already planned for and anyone who rises up will be incarcerated.  Perhaps Brandon would either declare the Insurrection Act or the U.N. will step in.

I'm still waiting to see if Joe signs over power to the U.N. for global emergencies -- who knows what he's going to do this September; though I am confident he will sell us down the river.


--- Quote --- Jailing Trump would indeed be an unprecedented coup; however I believe it is already planned for and anyone who rises up will be incarcerated.
--- End quote ---

That is what all the J6 *rioters* jailing was/is scare the American people from ever marching on DC or to oppose what the current admin has or is doing...


--- Quote from: mystery-ak on April 20, 2024, 06:52:20 pm ---That is what all the J6 *rioters* jailing was/is scare the American people from ever marching on DC or to oppose what the current admin has or is doing...

--- End quote ---

Exactly.  Trump was correct about one thing, they're not just coming after him, they are coming after us!


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