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If they jail Trump, what’s next?

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April 20, 2024
If they jail Trump, what’s next?
By Clark Wren

The insiders, the elites, the establishment, whatever you want to call them, are hoping our Soviet-styled Department of Justice (“show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime”) will keep rolling forward and steam-roll Donald Trump. Although the Trump base is solidly with him and has stopped listening to anything the legacy press tries to manipulate us to believe, the Department of Justice has the power to incarcerate Trump if that is the will of the court.

What then? The elephant in the room is precisely what the talking heads won’t say. We have a constitutional crisis right now. Refusal to acknowledge the elephant doesn’t make it go away. A constitutional crisis, though, is not necessarily a bad thing. It does, however, require people to think outside of the box, which makes most people uneasy. Nevertheless, when there is a great distance between what you are being told and what you are actually thinking, then change becomes inevitable and necessary. But it is not the change for which the insiders, the elites, the establishment, whatever you want to call them, are aiming.

The institutions, which are now firmly controlled by the elites, are not supposed to run this country. We are supposed to run this country. Again, the message we get bombarded with almost daily from the media has little effect on Trump’s base, but everyone is not in Trump’s base. There are many who are undecided, and an election can be determined by razor thin margins.


If Trump is jailed, then he's... well, not exactly Nelson Mandela, but not exactly not Mandela, either.

He will be seen by many as a victim of an oppressive political movement that has enlisted the judicial system in its scheme to thwart the opposition, and silence dissent.

And given the true nature and import of Trump's "crimes", that would not be terribly far from the truth.

If he's jailed, and which directly throws the election to Biden?

I am guessing there will likely be blood in the streets. The silent majority won't be silent anymore.

Weird Tolkienish Figure:
If he's jailed and somehow wins, which is possible, then that will be the mother of all constitutional crises. Our system appears vulnerable when there's this 50/50 split of the population, it seems to work better when there's a clear majority. Maybe that failure is on us, the citizens. Of course, 1/2 of the population is insane as shit (leftists), and basically want Trump to be guilty of something, doesn't matter what.


--- Quote from: Weird Tolkienish Figure on April 20, 2024, 04:27:59 pm ---If he's jailed and somehow wins, which is possible, then that will be the mother of all constitutional crises. Our system appears vulnerable when there's this 50/50 split of the population, it seems to work better when there's a clear majority. Maybe that failure is on us, the citizens. Of course, 1/2 of the population is insane as shit (leftists), and basically want Trump to be guilty of something, doesn't matter what.

--- End quote ---

I am not a Trump fan by any means, but nothing that they are trying to pin on him is felonious, or deserving of jail time. 

If the loony left is successful of jailing him, or using that jailing to wrongly bias an election, I predict all hell will break loose. This will be become an unprecedented coup.


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