Author Topic: Michigan Democrats regain full control of state government for first time in 40 years  (Read 1930 times)

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Michigan Democrats regain full control of state government for first time in 40 years
Annabella Rosciglione
April 17, 2024 1:37 pm

In Tuesday’s special election in Michigan, Democrats won both House seats on the line, reclaiming control of the Michigan House.

Both candidates who won, Mai Xiong of the 13th District and Peter Herzberg of the 25th District, were in areas that heavily favored Democrats. Democrats are now in control of both chambers of the state legislature as well as the office of the governor, giving them control of the entire state’s government.

“I am incredibly humbled for the overwhelming support of the voters of the 13th House District, who have chosen me to represent our community as the next State Representative,” Xiong said on X. “Michigan holds a special place in my heart, as it has been a beacon of hope for me and my family. I’ve cherished the opportunities this state has provided, from receiving a higher education to finding meaningful employment, starting a business, and raising a family.”

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) congratulated Herzberg and Xiong on X. Lawmakers in Michigan are expected to focus on their state budget. Whitmer previously asked Michigan’s legislature to pass the $80 billion budget that provides free community college to all high school graduates as well as universal free preschool for 4-year-olds.

Herzberg and Xiong won their districts by large margins. Herzberg won his district with 59.6% of the vote, and Xiong won her district with 65.6% of the vote.

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Joy!  Let's see so far today AZ is allowing ILLEGALS to vote, MI DEMS are in control ... any good news out there today? :shrug:
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From the article....

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) congratulated Herzberg and Xiong on X. Lawmakers in Michigan are expected to focus on their state budget. Whitmer previously asked Michigan’s legislature to pass the $80 billion budget that provides free community college to all high school graduates as well as universal free preschool for 4-year-olds.

Goodbye, State budget

Trump will not take Mi.
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Grade school level of learning seems to be impossible for many to get past.  Democrats keep demanding everything will be wonderful when they completely take over.  And of the many times and places they have taken over?  People live on the streets, and once prosperous bid cities collapse, like DETROIT.  aS long AS THIS HAS GONE ON, how can people still be too stupid to have not learned from it?
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