Author Topic: NYPD swarms Columbia, arrests anti-Israel protesters after president tells cops to clear campus  (Read 6820 times)

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 NYPD swarms Columbia, arrests anti-Israel protesters after president tells cops to clear campus
By Social Links for Olivia Land
Published April 18, 2024
Updated April 18, 2024, 1:43 p.m. ET

NYPD cops in riot gear swarmed Columbia University on Thursday afternoon and began arresting dozens of anti-Israel protesters after the school’s president made the bombshell decision to clear the campus.

Minouche Shafik wrote in an email to students, faculty and staff that she made the call despite her hopes that the move would “never be necessary.”

Shortly after 1 p.m., hordes of cops in body armor and face shields descended on the Morningside Heights campus and surrounded the encampment, which had been set up since early Wednesday.

Hundreds of students surrounded the officers, chanting “Let them go,” while die-hard protesters locked arms near the center of the camps and attempted to stop police from prying them away and dragging them off.

Several lines of officers in riot helmets were seen walking down Broadway south of 116th Street, a short distance from the campus gates, video footage captured by The Post showed.

At least six NYPD corrections buses were parked near the scene.


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They demand the release of the protestors, eh? I have considered their demand and the only response that makes sense to me is and a one way flight to whatever islamic shithole is available.... :pondering: or maybe Haiti, I hear there are starving people in Haiti.

Offline rustynail

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'Ilhan Omar's daughter, BDS activist, was suspended'  meaning she can come back when things cool down.

Offline the OlLine Rebel

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Look what happens when “liberals” (I.e., America-hating communists) drive the narrative for 50 years to the point that after an atrocity like 9/11, the response became to let MORE Moslems in.  And then, here we are, 20 years later, Moslems rule the roost including giving those traitor communists yet another reason to hate on US which they happily grab onto.  Many of those scum in these “protests” are lily-white communist bastards, as well as other diverse ethnicities so convinced anything close to US is evil.

When are we going to call out MOSLEMS?  The evil is ISLAM.

Focusing on “Palestine” is a shell game.  It’s not about a specific strip of land, it’s about a) letting Moslems spread their filth and b) tearing down America.

Face it because it is going to happen eventually.  Civil war, very possibly Moslems mass-slaughter of everyone else in America.
Common sense is an uncommon virtue.

Offline berdie

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Maybe a good summer program for Columbia would be to have these folks go to help the Pali's in person.

Online bigheadfred

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Look what happens when “liberals” (I.e., America-hating communists) drive the narrative for 50 years to the point that after an atrocity like 9/11, the response became to let MORE Moslems in.  And then, here we are, 20 years later, Moslems rule the roost including giving those traitor communists yet another reason to hate on US which they happily grab onto.  Many of those scum in these “protests” are lily-white communist bastards, as well as other diverse ethnicities so convinced anything close to US is evil.

When are we going to call out MOSLEMS?  The evil is ISLAM.

Focusing on “Palestine” is a shell game.  It’s not about a specific strip of land, it’s about a) letting Moslems spread their filth and b) tearing down America.

Face it because it is going to happen eventually.  Civil war, very possibly Moslems mass-slaughter of everyone else in America.

She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Online mystery-ak

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Is this her daughter or niece or both?

Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Suspended from College for Involvement in Anti-Israel Encampment

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D) daughter revealed that she was suspended from college for her involvement in a pro-Palestinian encampment at Columbia University.
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Arrest of Ilhan Omar’s daughter at anti-Israel protest was political, fellow 'Squad' member says
Omar had questioned Columbia leadership’s commitment to free speech during a fiery congressional hearing on Wednesday
By Michael Dorgan Fox News
Published April 19, 2024 8:53am EDT

Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., has claimed that the Thursday arrest of fellow "Squad" member Rep. Ilhan Omar’s daughter at anti-Israel protests at Columbia University was political payback for the congresswoman’s probing of the institution’s leadership the day before.

Bowman said Omar, D-Minn., had questioned Columbia leadership’s commitment to "free academic expression" during a fiery congressional hearing on Wednesday and the following day her daughter, Isra Hirsi, was arrested.

"The day after @IlhanMN questioned Columbia leadership's commitment to free academic expression, the school suspended her daughter?" Bowman posted on X. "It's clear what is happening here. Our educational institutions should not be in the business of political reprisals."

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 Columbia students rebuild anti-Israel solidarity camp less than 24 hours after mass arrests
By Social Links for Olivia Land
Published April 19, 2024, 10:14 a.m. ET

Student protesters at Columbia University reassembled their anti-Israel tent encampment on a central campus lawn early Friday — less than 24 hours after the NYPD arrested more than 100 people at the original installation.

Dozens of students sat with blankets and Palestinian flags on the lawn opposite the one where hundreds of others camped out for nearly 48 hours until yesterday’s faceoff, video from the independent reporter Spyder Monkey showed.

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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34

Offline berdie

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I grew up during the Viet Nam war protests. I can remember them burning flags and such. But I don't recall any of them waving opposition flags. :shrug:

I think the parents or whoever need to get refunds from the college. They don't know history. Calling the police KKK...really? Identifying with a terrorist nation? **nononono*

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Translation: shocker, I did something wrong although I've gotten away with these types of behaviors throughout my entire life I ran into somebody who wouldn't tolerate it. Well, that's not fair because I'm special,  I'm privileged and I should be allowed to get away with whatever I want. Now I'm going hungry but it's just not fair.

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The Daily Beast
When Isra Hirsi, the daughter of U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, joined several of her classmates in a pro-Palestinian campus protest known as the Gaza encampment, she had no idea she would end up suspended, homeless, and left without food within a matter of days.
6:07 PM · Apr 21, 2024

They want you to believe the daughter of a congressional member attending a $90,000-a-year school couldn't afford to grab some McDonald's.
7:49 AM · Apr 22, 2024

Jason O. Hawkins
She could change clothes and go downtown and claim to be illegal migrant and get food, cash and housing immediately.
7:56 AM · Apr 22, 2024

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 Columbia University classes moved online after rabbi says Jewish students should ‘return home’
by Sarah Fortinsky - 04/22/24 8:01 AM ET

Columbia University will hold classes virtually on Monday amid ongoing unrest and heightened concern for Jewish students’ safety on campus.

The school’s president, Minouche Shafik, announced the shift to online learning early Monday and instructed faculty and stuff to work remotely if they can do so.

“Our preference is that students who do not live on campus will not come to campus” on Monday, Shafik said.

These steps were taken “to deescalate the rancor and give us all a chance to consider next steps,” Shafik said.

The announcement follows a reported call from one campus rabbi for Jewish students to return home “as soon as possible,” citing safety concerns ahead of the start of the Jewish holiday of Passover on Monday evening.

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Offline rustynail

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“Our preference is that students who do not live on campus will not come to campus” on Monday, Shafik said.

So much for 'never again'.

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IF we do not stop the invasion at the border, there  is no stopping various different 'mobs' from doing the same in every city.  Enough ILLEGALS have been welcomed into our country to destroy it from within!!

I'm already starting to see a few Mexican flags (one in our neighborhood) around town and an "Immigration" sign on a building in town.

(We were very heavily Republican in this area -- is the impact here already starting??)

Lord help us!!!
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Oilfield Rando
Wow it’s a good thing Ilhan Omar steered $3 million in campaign funds into her own bank accounts through her husband’s firm, otherwise she might have had a hard time providing for her deadbeat kid
8:40 AM · Apr 22, 2024

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Crazy scene tonight at Columbia University: Jewish students came to the campus - and then this happened. The undergrad who filmed it told me: “We didn’t say a word. My friend had a Jewish star necklace. All of the sudden we’re surrounded, they’ve been circling us, threatening us”

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Such a fine example Omar is.  To think people voted her in still amazes me; but possibly her district is made up of people who are anti-American and anti-Israeli. It wouldn't surprise me.
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Who is Columbia University’s president who is allowing Hamas supporters on campus to target and terrorize Jewish students?
Let’s take a look.

Offline Timber Rattler

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Who is Columbia University’s president who is allowing Hamas supporters on campus to target and terrorize Jewish students?

She's another spineless idiot with a PhD who's lost control of her campus.  Weak and feckless.
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Columbia couldn't find a non-Middle Easterner for the job? What a surprise that she turns out to be anti-Jew.