Author Topic: ‘Lied With Impunity’: National Guard Whistleblowers Accuse Army Leaders Of Covering Up Jan. 6 Deploy  (Read 1661 times)

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‘Lied With Impunity’: National Guard Whistleblowers Accuse Army Leaders Of Covering Up Jan. 6 Deployment Delay

Micaela Burrow
Investigative Reporter, Defense
April 17, 2024 3:52 PM ET
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Four D.C. National Guard officials involved in responding to the Capitol riots on Jan. 6, 2021, alleged on Wednesday that top Army leaders lied to Congress about why they did not order the guard to deploy for hours after the need became clear.

Several high-ranking Pentagon leaders at the time, including former Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy, then-acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller and former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley have claimed the National Guard was sent to the Capitol as soon as they were needed, according to Politico. But National Guard “whistleblowers” accused the officials of seeking to cover up the Army’s reputation and shift the blame elsewhere in testimony before a panel of the House Administration Committee at a hearing Wednesday.

“I have no idea why we never received that order,” retired D.C. National Guard Command Sergeant Major Michael Brooks, told lawmakers. “All I know is that they were more concerned with what it would look like with soldiers with the Capitol in the background than protecting the Capitol of the United States.”

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‘The Idea … Is Crazy’: National Guard Official Says Mark Milley’s Jan 6. Warnings Led To Deployment Delay

Micaela Burrow
Investigative Reporter, Defense
April 17, 2024 1:41 PM ET
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Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley’s fretting former president Donald Trump would commandeer the military for political reasons, warning of a “Reichstag moment,” influenced senior Army leaders to delay deploying the National Guard to quell the Jan. 6 riots, a witness told Congress during a hearing Wednesday.

Four current and former leaders of the Washington, D.C. National Guard testified to a panel from the House Committee on Administration, alleging two senior Army general lied about their failure to give an order rushing National Guard troops to secure the capitol grounds as rioting escalated. Retired Col. Earl Matthews, then chief legal adviser to the D.C. National Guard, accused Milley of “impeding the ability of the president” with disparaging comments heralding a potential coup attempt that influenced key Army leaders against ordering troops close to the capitol.

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Top Military Official Lied About Jan. 6: Whistleblowers

By Zachary Stieber 4/17/2024

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy was among senior officials who did not tell the truth about what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, National Guard officials say.

The secretary of the Army on Jan. 6, 2021, lied about multiple details regarding what unfolded as the U.S. Capitol was breached, National Guard whistleblowers said during a congressional hearing on April 17.

Then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy made multiple false claims, including that he spoke to the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard on two separate occasions after officials requested that the Guard be deployed to the Capitol, the whistleblowers said.
After Maj. Gen. William Walker conveyed a request from the U.S. Capitol Police for Guard personnel, Mr. McCarthy called Maj. Gen. Walker at 2:14 p.m. and instructed the Guard to stand by, according to a Guard timeline of Jan. 6, 2021. But that call and others that Mr. McCarthy or one of his top advisers were said to have made later authorizing the Guard for mobilization and deployment did not happen, according to the Guard officials.

“At no time did Gen. Walker take any calls, nor did we ever hear from the secretary on any of the ongoing conference calls or the secure video teleconferencing throughout the day,” Capt. Timothy Nick, who served as Maj. Gen. Walker’s personal assistant on Jan. 6, 2021, said during the hearing. “This I know because I was with the command general the entire time recording the events.”

Capt. Nick has not previously discussed publicly what transpired on Jan. 6, 2021, and neither has Brig. Gen. Aaron Dean, who was the National Guard’s adjutant general on the day that the Capitol was breached.

The Department of Defense (DOD) inspector general report on Jan. 6, 2021, which relied heavily on Mr. McCarthy and other military officials, was rife with “inaccuracies,” Brig. Gen. Dean said. “I believe it is my duty and moral obligation to stand before you today and illuminate the truth,” he told the hearing, which was held by the House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight.

Despite Mr. Walker conveying the request for assistance at about 1:50 p.m., the Guard was not deployed to the Capitol until about 5:10 p.m.

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