Author Topic: “The Food is No Good at All” – African Illegals at NYC City Council Complain About Free Food and Hou  (Read 2776 times)

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Offline rangerrebew

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“The Food is No Good at All” – African Illegals at NYC City Council Complain About Free Food and Housing (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Apr. 17, 2024 6:45 pm

African illegals at a New York City Council meeting complained about the free (taxpayer-funded) food and housing provided to them.

More than 1,300 illegal aliens from Africa swarmed New York City Hall on Tuesday after they were falsely promised work visas and green cards.

The illegals were lined up outside of New York City Hall as far as the eye could see.
Africans in Islamic garb swarmed the sidewalk.

Many of them are from Guinea and entered the US through the Mexican border.

The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
Thomas Jefferson

Offline rangerrebew

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When you are used to having such delicacies as Wildebeest Steak, Python Stew, monkey chops, riced termites, etc., it can be hard to adjust to western food. *****rollingeyes*****
The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
Thomas Jefferson

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Online Wingnut

  • That is the problem with everything. They try and make it better without realizing the old is fine.
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Lord, please be with the starving pygmies down in New Guinea, who couldn't make the trip to America, amen.
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

Offline GtHawk

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  • I don't believe in Trump anymore, he's an illusion

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I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Online libertybele

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  • WE are NOT ok!
Lord, please be with the starving pygmies down in New Guinea, who couldn't make the trip to America, amen.

I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline Sighlass

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Send them to Haiti :whistle:

I am sure more than a few plan on making a career in gunrunning/drugs.
Exodus 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders over ....

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  • Ah, the air is so much fresher here...
What I fear is the next planned and coordinated step in this big bum rush to ram all these illegals into this country. is to let it foment into a powder keg of unrest and anarchy across the country, something no doubt the Biden admin will take advantage of if even they have the slightest belief they might lose the election.

It could be a long hot summer.
The Republic is lost.

Offline berdie

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I wonder what would happen if a US citizen were in their country under similar circumstances and whined about the food. :shrug:

Offline AllThatJazzZ

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  • Adopt your next pet, preferably a senior.
Send them to Haiti :whistle:

Ah yes. If they can't partake of culinary delicacies, they can become culinary delicacies.

A government big enough to give you everything you want
is a government big enough to take away everything you have.

Any government that can silence its critics
has a license for any kind of atrocity.
(RFK, Jr., September 2024)