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1938 and 2024: Whom do you stand with?

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Maj. Bill Martin:

--- Quote from: ScottinVA on April 19, 2024, 12:02:55 am ---From the standpoint of the Israelis, how exactly are they to negotiate with rabid animals whose basic requirement is the extermination of Israel and ever Jew who populates it?  To the Palis, the only subject open for negotiation is how that extermination is to be accomplished.

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Unfortunately, you won't get an answer to that question.

Maj. Bill Martin:

--- Quote from: Hoodat on April 19, 2024, 01:02:37 am ---This has not gone unnoticed.  For someone with such a hard-on for everything Trump, it remarkable how she has offered zero acknowledgement of Trump's success with Abraham.

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Given a choice between promoting Trump and criticizing Israel, she went with the latter.


Uh-oh.  They are riled up tonight .....  88devil


--- Quote from: Right_in_Virginia on April 19, 2024, 03:53:40 am ---Uh-oh.  They are riled up tonight .....  88devil

--- End quote ---


LOL!  It's like you emptied a bag of popcorn into a commercial fish farm tank! 

Perfect pic BTW...    :beer:

Everything anyone needs to know about militant Muzzies can be summed up on 11 Sept 2001. 

None can be trusted or given an inch.  And the half measures being practiced by Bibi of late is a bad strategy.    They are like roaches...  Finish them off!!!!


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