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Americans are becoming less confident in their government than people in other rich countries: poll


Americans are becoming less confident in their government than people in other rich countries: polls
Noah Sheidlower and Madison Hall Apr 17, 2024, 11:13 AM EDT

Dominick Reuter/Business Insider
New Gallup data reveals the US has fallen behind many G7 countries in key indicators.

26% of Americans struggled to afford food in 2023, and confidence in the military has fallen.

Public confidence in US institutions, including the government and judiciary, has declined.
The US may be losing its strong standing among the world's most developed nations.

Americans seeing democrats full bladder release on Americans and America, pumping foreigners and foreign enemies full of our money and Armies, while Americans live on the streets are moving past clueless and beginning to suspect something amiss!  Its like Jews in WWII concentration camps beginning to suspect something amiss!  Could their be light in such darkness? ? ? ?

Rampant government corruption tends to do that...


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