Author Topic: The Deep State’s Accelerating Attacks On Trump Show A Consciousness Of Guilt  (Read 621 times)

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Online mystery-ak

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April 16, 2024
The Deep State’s Accelerating Attacks On Trump Show A Consciousness Of Guilt
By Ron Wright

Joe Biden has proven to be a puppet of the Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian oligarchs—a true Manchurian Candidate. Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s princeling, raked in millions of dollars at arm’s length from Uncle Joe for the Biden crime family from adversaries for no credible business reason. Why?

The purpose was to gain access to Joe Biden for favorable policy decisions and actions, i.e., going soft on China and Russia, releasing funds to the Iranian Mullahs whose proxies attack Israel, selective prosecution of political enemies, and allowing a two-tiered justice system.

It’s become clear in the past three years that a whole cadre of domestic and foreign adversaries all engaged in or aided and abetted in a coup to unseat a duly elected President and to prevent his reelection. The list includes the World Economic Forum (WEF); the globalists; the World Health Organization (WHO); the Marxist left; self-dealing and corrupt politicians, including President Joe Biden, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama; the Deep State including the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DNI, DHS and others; the leftist media complex; big pharma; big tech; and multinational corporations.

Facts show that the Biden and Clinton families are criminal enterprises as defined in the RICO Act. The families conspired with others, both foreign adversaries and domestic operatives, for their personal gain or benefit to undermine and even sabotage the best interest of the American people and America’s national security interests, including using election fraud.

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Online libertybele

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I think it shows that they are paranoid of him being seated in the oval office.
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