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Supreme Court allows Idaho to enforce ban on gender-affirming care for minors

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Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: Kamaji on April 16, 2024, 01:09:29 am ---At least a small step in the correct direction.

Gender "affirming" care is not health care at all - it's Dr. Mengele level evil; the same sort of evil the Nazis perpetrated on Jewish children in the camps.

--- End quote ---

Absolutely 100% correct.

Here is the written opinion:

Gorsuch wrote one opinion, joined by Thomas and Alito.  Kavanaugh wrote a second, joined by Barret.

The dissent was written by the Justice who doesn't know what a woman is, joined by Sotomayor.  It was one of the weakest opinions I have ever read.  Pure emotion.  Zero legal basis.  The opinion was so poorly written that Kagan didn't sign on to it, staying instead with her original dissent as the Justice on record in Idaho.


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