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BREAKING...Report: Iran Launches Attack Against Israel with Long-rang Drones

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--- Quote from: Wingnut on April 19, 2024, 11:49:36 pm ---Fail Safe.

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PeteS in CA:
NYT: Israelis Used Stealth Missile on Nuclear-Site Defenses in Iran Attack

--- Quote ---We could call this A Tale of Two Facilities. Iran launched an unprecedented direct attack on Israel in retaliation for the targeted strike on IRGC and Hamas commanders. That attack did little damage despite a volley of well over 300 missiles and drones, thanks to the regional defenses and the several hours of lead time necessitated by Iran's launch from its own territory.

That demonstrated the facility Iran has for offensive operations in the region. Israel responded by demonstrating its facility, and as the New York Times hears from officials in Iran and the West, the result shocked the Iranians:
Their shock didn't just come from the fact that Israel had denuded their critical Natanz site of effective air defense. It didn't come from realizing just how far Israel could strike without entering its airspace, either. What truly shocked the Iranians is that they had no warning at all before their expensive S-300 system got destroyed from a single strike:
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The Soviet S-300 system is 1970s vintage, originally, but is probably much updated. The S-400 system is newer but hasn't been doing very well in Ukraine. How will Iran respond now that they know their defenses are blind to significant Israeli technologies and can be blinded to older technologies?


--- Quote from: PeteS in CA on April 20, 2024, 06:44:56 pm ---NYT: Israelis Used Stealth Missile on Nuclear-Site Defenses in Iran Attack

The Soviet S-300 system is 1970s vintage, originally, but is probably much updated. The S-400 system is newer but hasn't been doing very well in Ukraine. How will Iran respond now that they know their defenses are blind to significant Israeli technologies and can be blinded to older technologies?

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By shitting their pants??   :shrug:


--- Quote from: PeteS in CA on April 20, 2024, 06:44:56 pm ---NYT: Israelis Used Stealth Missile on Nuclear-Site Defenses in Iran Attack

--- Quote ---An Israeli weapon deployed in a retaliatory strike against Iran on Friday damaged a defense system responsible for detecting and destroying aerial threats near Natanz, a central Iranian city critical to the country’s secret nuclear weapons program, according to two Western officials and two Iranian officials.

The strike, the Western officials said, was calculated to deliver a message to Iran that Israel could bypass Iran’s defense systems undetected and paralyze them, using a fraction of the fire power Iran deployed last week when it launched hundreds of drones and missiles at Israel. That attack, intercepted by Israel and its allies, caused minimal damage.
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Israel is going to regret not using the opportunity to strike those nuclear targets along with that defense system.


--- Quote from: Lando Lincoln on April 18, 2024, 04:24:44 pm ---Well, there’s a quandary… who to believe?

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lol…. Exactly


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