Author Topic: The difficult hunt for an impartial Trump jury in Manhattan  (Read 1197 times)

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The difficult hunt for an impartial Trump jury in Manhattan
« on: April 13, 2024, 01:37:52 pm »
The difficult hunt for an impartial Trump jury in Manhattan

Donald Trump is accused of falsifying his business records to disguise a hush money payment made shortly before the 2016 election to an adult film star with whom he allegedly had an affair.

It will be up to the Manhattan District Attorney's Office and Mr Trump's legal team to weed through the masses of New Yorkers to find 12 people capable of setting aside their feelings about one of the most polarising US politicians, to give him a fair trial.

Mr Trump's lawyers have already complained that the city's Manhattan borough, comprised predominately of Democrats, will not allow for an impartial jury.

And experts agree it will prove challenging.

"There's nobody in the country who doesn't have an opinion one way or another," former Manhattan prosecutor Jeremy Saland says.

"But those in New York have been exposed to Donald Trump and his father and children for literally generations, from every tabloid to the internet to Home Alone."

"A jury should be fair no matter what, listen to the evidence and hold prosecutors to the burden," he says.

"So no easy task."................

« Last Edit: April 13, 2024, 01:38:42 pm by libertybele »
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