Author Topic: Pentagon moving additional assets to Middle East due to Iranian threat  (Read 1611 times)

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Pentagon moving additional assets to Middle East due to Iranian threat
Mike Brest
April 12, 2024 3:00 pm

The Department of Defense is bringing additional assets to the Middle East ahead of an expected Iranian attack against Israel.

“We are moving additional assets to the region to bolster regional deterrence efforts and increase force protection for U.S. forces,” a defense official told the Washington Examiner.

Iranian leaders have vowed to retaliate against Israel for the bombing of an Iranian diplomatic annex in Damascus, Syria, that resulted in the death of senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi.

The United States distanced itself from the Israeli strike that took place on April 1, telling the Iranian government it had no involvement in or prior warning to the attack. Since the strike, U.S. leaders, including President Joe Biden, have conferred with their Israeli counterparts about Tehran’s public vows for revenge.

Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla, commander of the U.S. Central Command, is in Israel, where he met with Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces Herzi Halevi and other military officials.

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Online Timber Rattler

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What assets does it actually have left?
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Three carriers aren't enough?
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OK .... and what are they doing inside our country to prepare????  The threat isn't just about Iran attacking Israel.
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