Author Topic: House passes FISA reauthorization bill after previous GOP setback  (Read 1760 times)

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In a 273 to 147 vote, lawmakers renewed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which is set to expire on April 19, through 2026. It now heads to the Senate.

Section 702 allows the U.S. government to collect electronic communications of non-Americans located outside the country without a warrant. It came under scrutiny among some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle and civil liberties groups because it sometimes results in the collection of data on Americans who are in contact with those surveilled individuals.


Gaetz also said he was given "absolute assurance" from Johnson that next week the House will vote on a privacy bill from Rep. Warren Davidson, R-Ohio.


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Re: House passes FISA reauthorization bill after previous GOP setback
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2024, 07:21:41 pm »
Johnson needs to be kicked to the curb.

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Re: House passes FISA reauthorization bill after previous GOP setback
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2024, 07:24:41 pm »
Reason #782 why we need Conservatives in office instead of populists.
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Online mystery-ak

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Re: House passes FISA reauthorization bill after previous GOP setback
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2024, 08:09:26 pm »
ohnson catches heat for ‘tiebreaker’ vote on FISA warrants
Rachel Schilke
April 12, 2024 3:50 pm

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is facing backlash from members of his party after he opposed an amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that failed on the House floor in a tie vote.

The amendment, which would have required the government to obtain a warrant to query the data of people caught up in foreign surveillance, failed to attract the needed votes to pass on Friday, with the chamber deadlocking 212-212. In the event of a tie, an amendment on the House floor fails, per chamber rules.

The outcome angered several House Republicans who argued Johnson could have tipped the scales had he joined a bipartisan coalition of privacy hawks.

“This is a sad day for America,” Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) said in a post on X. “The Speaker doesn’t always vote in the House, but he was the tie breaker today. He voted against warrants.”

The warrant requirements created a divide within the Republican conference, as national security proponents on the House Intelligence Committee opposed them, and privacy advocates on the House Judiciary Committee pushed for adding the provision into the bill text.

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Re: House passes FISA reauthorization bill after previous GOP setback
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2024, 08:11:46 pm »
 Hard-liners vow retaliation against Republicans who sank FISA warrant mandate
by Mike Lillis - 04/12/24 3:44 PM ET

Hard-line conservatives are turning up the heat on their GOP colleagues who voted Friday to kill a proposed warrant requirement for domestic communications caught up in foreign surveillance operations.

That provision — offered as an amendment to a larger bill renewing a key section of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) — went down on the House floor in a 212-212 vote, with 86 Republicans and 126 Democrats voting against it. By House rules, a tie vote fails.

The outcome infuriated the conservative champions of the warrant mandate, who accused its opponents in both parties of empowering the “deep state” while undermining constitutional liberties. Their anger was aimed most squarely at fellow Republicans, including Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who voted against the warrant requirement and in favor of the final FISA package.

Some hard-liners said they’re ready to travel to GOP districts to campaign against those who tanked the amendment.

“Every one of these members who voted against a warrant requirement, they are the deciding vote. They own it,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said after the vote. “And some of them may see me showing up in their districts very soon to campaign against them and to stand for the Constitution.”

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Offline Timber Rattler

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Re: House passes FISA reauthorization bill after previous GOP setback
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2024, 08:18:52 pm »
“Every one of these members who voted against a warrant requirement, they are the deciding vote. They own it,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said after the vote. “And some of them may see me showing up in their districts very soon to campaign against them and to stand for the Constitution.”

So says the moron who voted for the overall bill.
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"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."  ---George Orwell

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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
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