Whoa, whoa, whoa, Whoopi! Republicans have toher things that need to get done before re-instituting slavery ...
- repeal gay marriage (everywhere)
- criminalize all artificial family planning / birth control / IVF (Arizona, Alabama, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito)
- repeal child labor laws (Arkansas, Huckabee-Sanders)
- repeal women's right to vote (wink wink, nod nod)
- then, reinstitute slavery and indentured servitude (wink wink, nod nod understood)
The Prosperity Gospel makes it clear that Rich People have favor with God. Thus, Rich Donors, having God's favor, will roll-back the social progress of the past 200 years to Make America Great for Rich White Male Protestant Land-owners Again.
So, Whoopi, as you see, the vast right-wing conspiracy for a white Christian nationalist America certainly has much work to do to bring back slavery.
If the Republican Party does not stand for white male protestant Christian nationalism, what does it stand for? Certainly not for fiscal responsibility, not for smaller Government, and not for personal liberty.
If you cobble radical, right, Republican zealot agendas into a quilt, you get a reactionary theocracy - a extremist fundamentalist Christian version of Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Massachusetts tried theocracy in the 1600s. All we got were witch trials and a Scarlet Letter. Religion does not corrupt Poltiics; Politics corrupt Religion. Given enough time and hysteria, everyone hangs, witch or not.