Author Topic: Biden goes on Univision, cites concern with taking ‘unilateral’ action on the border because he woul  (Read 1304 times)

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Offline rangerrebew

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April 10, 2024
Biden goes on Univision, cites concern with taking ‘unilateral’ action on the border because he would never want to do something dictatorial
By Jack Hellner
Last Wednesday Joe Biden went on Univision for an interview, which only aired last night—the studio needed a week to clean up the flubs and present a coherent exchange. During the segment, Biden said the reason that he hasn’t issued any executive orders to close the border is because he worries about whether or not he legally and constitutionally has the power to do so.

This is total B.S. From Reuters:

Biden says he is examining power to shut US border on his own

President Joe Biden said in an interview broadcast on Tuesday that he and his administration are trying to determine whether he has the authority to act on his own to shut down the U.S.'s southern border with Mexico to migrants, should it be deemed necessary.

Biden told Univision in the interview that because bipartisan legislation that would have granted him the authority to shut the border was stalled by Republicans in Congress, he was being encouraged to try to do it alone.

‘We’re examining whether or not I have that power,’ Biden said, adding there was ‘no guarantee’ he has the power without legislation.

People should ask… Who was responsible for all the executive orders Biden already signed to open the border? Who was responsible for the EOs that crippled energy independence? He clearly didn’t write them, and my guess is, he didn’t even read them. He just signed them. He campaigned from the basement and was clearly installed as a puppet to implement the radical agenda to destroy and remake America, which was always… Obama’s goal.
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IOW he would actually have to do something right for America and that's just not in his playbook.  FJB!!!!
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From the article…..

During the segment, Biden said the reason that he hasn’t issued any executive orders to close the border is because he worries about whether or not he legally and constitutionally has the power to do so.

Yet he doesn’t seem to have that concern when it comes to things like student loan forgiveness  and forcing vaccines on people
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Offline rangerrebew

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From the article…..

During the segment, Biden said the reason that he hasn’t issued any executive orders to close the border is because he worries about whether or not he legally and constitutionally has the power to do so.


He used EOs to open the border so it makes little sense he can't use them to close it - except for political ramifications in an election year.
The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
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Offline berdie

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Nothing "dictatorial" with enforcing the laws already in place. He's full of marlarkey.