Author Topic: Trump campaign relying on Melania as a ‘secret weapon’ to win undecided voters, as she hosts fundrai  (Read 536 times)

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 Trump campaign relying on Melania as a ‘secret weapon’ to win undecided voters, as she hosts fundraiser
By Social Links for Lydia Moynihan
Published April 9, 2024, 6:26 p.m. ET

Melania Trump’s headlining fundraiser later this month is part of a strategy to portray the former first lady as a “softer, more moderate voice” for the Trump campaign, sources told The Post.

While Donald Trump will join his wife at the April 20 fundraiser, hosted at Mar-a-Lago by the Log Cabin Republicans, insiders said the campaign intends to put — and keep — Melania in the spotlight as the feminine counterpoint to his brash style.

“The Trump campaign recognizes that Melania is their secret weapon,” a source close to the campaign said. “Her appeal is critical to win battleground states and undecided voters, especially now that they’ve won the primary and are hyper-focused on the general.”

Indeed, Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf told The Post, “This is just the beginning of using softer faces and voices as surrogates.

“They’re coming up with a more diverse picture — they’re trying to make voters feel more comfortable.”

According to GOP fundraiser Caroline Wren, Melania, 53, is a draw in her own right.

“People will ask me if Melania will be at a fundraiser before they sign up,” told The Post. “People really like her… she is a huge asset to the campaign and to fundraising.”

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Online roamer_1

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She's a class act, no two ways about it.
Too bad she ain't the one on the ballot, y'all might talk me into it.

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Well she's beautiful, poised, articulate and intelligent.  However, she's not on the ballot.  Perhaps she helps to provide some sort of balance to her husband.   :shrug:
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   corbe refrains from posting MY favorite photos of the former First Lady.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.