Author Topic: David Hogg group hit with allegations over spending practices and policies  (Read 3870 times)

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Offline mountaineer

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Jonathan Turley
David Hogg's PAC has been hit with allegations over spending comparably little on actual candidates as opposed to travel and expenses. His prior counsel is a familiar name in such controversies:  Marc Elias.

The group is accused of raising millions to support liberal candidates but allegedly spending only $263,000 on such candidates. In addition to reportedly paying $83,000 to the Elias law firm, it spent a considerable amount on travel and expenses during the same period.

Full story at Turley's blog.
... Federal filings reportedly show that year-end 2023, Leaders We Deserve raised over $3 million. That is impressive for its first year in operation.

The conservative sites allege that the group spent “only about $263,000 on its stated mission of electing candidates from Generation Z to office combined with donations to other Democrat Party committees and groups—and instead spent more than $1.4 million on disbursements to themselves for payroll and to political consulting firms and legal fees, in addition to travel and entertainment expenses like hotels, flights, and meals.”

However, it spent reportedly spent more than $1,314,000 on travel and related expenses while giving $80,000 to the Elias Law Group. ...
Big surprise. This little spaghetti-armed pansy has no discernible job skills and a worthless Harvard education, so of course he has to become a grifter and conman.

Offline mountaineer

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"Hogg himself was also paid nearly $40,000 in payroll payments, per the FEC filings... this does not represent a full annual salary but just a few months' worth of work."
Exclusive — Hogg Wild: Filings Show Left-Wing Gen-Z PAC Blew More than $1M on Travel Expenses, Consultants, Spent Little on Candidates
Matthew Boyle
April 8, 2024

Gun control activist David Hogg is living high on the hog thanks to the many donors cutting checks to his political action committee (PAC), Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show.

Hogg created a group in the aftermath of the 2022 midterm elections called Leaders We Deserve PAC, which states that its goal is to elect Generation Z politicians to offices throughout the country. He created the PAC with Kevin Lata, the campaign manager for Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL)—a Generation Z Democrat elected in 2022.

Hogg launched the group with great fanfare, telling National Public Radio (NPR) that during former President Donald Trump’s presidency, a “social movement” was born on the left.

“For every year of Trump’s presidency, I think there was a new chapter of a social movement that was born, whether it was the Women’s March, March for Our Lives, the environmental movement, or the movement for Black Lives,” Hogg said.

Hogg touted his group’s efforts to elect young Democrat candidates—promising that Leaders We Deserve PAC would provide them with the resources they needed to win races:
    [We’re] trying to pick them and say, you know, we would like to help you run for office, we’ll supply you with all of the resources that you need and help basically coach you and hold your hand to get there, which is kind of the gap that’s in the space right now, for at least young people at the state legislative level.
Since Hogg’s group came into fruition, much of the few million dollars raised has gone not to electing candidates or executing its stated mission but to luxurious expenses, such as travel bills, as well as political consultants and legal fees. In fact, the group, in 2023, only spent on a handful of candidates—four to be exact—one of whom was already serving in the U.S. Congress, Frost, and another who lost a race in a special election in Alabama. The vast majority of the group’s money, the FEC filings from 2023 show, did not go to helping candidates at all—and much of it went to other political consultants at various firms, as well as to Hogg and Lata, with a lavish travel budget to boot.  ...

Online Wingnut

  • That is the problem with everything. They try and make it better without realizing the old is fine.
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I see a bright political career in his future followed by a jail term for accepting bribes or insider trading or murdering his gay lover..
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

Offline mountaineer

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How to make a lucrative income while having no discernable job skills.

Recent documents show that not only did the “Leaders we Deserve” PAC pay David Hogg $16,351.39 last month, he is also on the permanent payroll.

Offline MeganC

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  • Putin, the low rent Hitler
I see a bright political career in his future followed by a jail term for accepting bribes or insider trading or murdering his gay lover..

Resistance to Jim Robinson is obedience to God.

Offline goatprairie

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Hogg is not the first grifter attempting (and succeeding) to make a fast buck off of a tragedy, and he won't be the last. :shrug: :shrug:

Offline PeteS in CA

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HoggBoy was never more than a loud-mouthed self-promoting grifter. Now that his 15 minutes of fame are over and he's not useful anymore to gun-grabbing hoplophobes, his grifting ways may catch up with him. If he ends up doing time he really should sign up for the institution's barista and fryolator training programs. He's not smart enough to be college or trades material.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline cato potatoe

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Hogg gets into Harvard, and Kashuv's offer is rescinded.  I think Bill Maher got it right.  Harvard is an bleep factory. 

Offline LMAO

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I never hear his name anymore except on conservative or conservative leaning  websites

It’s us that keep his name alive. Even the left has forgotten him
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