Author Topic: Hillary Clinton met with student protests during visit to alma mater Wellesley College: 'Blood on he  (Read 3345 times)

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Hillary Clinton met with student protests during visit to alma mater Wellesley College: 'Blood on her hands

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton faced student protests during a visit to her alma mater, Wellesley College, on Saturday.

Clinton had returned to campus in order to receive the honor of a college building being named after her. Protesters were lined up to harass attendees of a women-led democracy summit on campus that also featured Clinton.

Local news outlets say angry students also circulated pamphlets around campus saying Clinton is Wellesley's "most beloved war criminal," and arguing that she has "blood on her hands."

School administrators acknowledged the protest but did not condemn it.

"I encourage all who participate in activism to follow the demonstration policy and be mindful of our Code of Student Conduct so that you remain safe for yourself, and for our community," vice president and dean of students Sheilah Shaw Horton said in a statement.

Clinton is no stranger to facing protests during her visits to American universities. Protesters repeatedly interrupted her during an appearance at Columbia University in February, with students calling her a "war criminal."..............
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From the article...

School administrators acknowledged the protest but did not condemn it.

That's because what the students are protesting over

School administrators would react differently if the protests were over, lets say, the migrant crisis
« Last Edit: April 07, 2024, 06:25:02 pm by LMAO »
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