Author Topic: VIDEO: Ukraine War is Result of Beyond Belief STUPIDEST "Diplomacy" in History  (Read 1289 times)

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Offline pjcomix

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    • DUmmie FUnnies YouTube Channel
Remember when we were told that electing Donald Trump would lead to World War III and that electing Joe Biden would be a "return to normalcy" since the adults would be back in charge? How's that working out especially in the light of Biden's puppet masters bringing us to the brink of WW III due to involving us in the incredibly AVOIDABLE Ukraine War? And even though they walked us into the entirely unnecessary Ukraine war they were mercifully given an out when a few weeks into the war Ukraine and Russia agreed to a peace deal contingent on Ukraine agreeing not to join NATO. Unfortunately the sheer stupidity of Biden's puppet masters was so massive that they actually sent Boris Johnson to Ukraine to KILL that peace agreement. And now that the proxy war against Russia via Ukraine is winding down after many thousands of Ukrainians dead and the destruction of that country, the Biden puppet masters are now attempting to make things even WORSE by pathetic Antony Blinken insisting that Ukraine WILL join NATO. Why? To aggravate a thermonuclear power who is not even our biggest threat like Communist China?

It is all so monstrously STUPID that one suspects that Biden's puppet masters are doing this on purpose. Why? Because they are so steeped in terminal TDS that they can't do anything (such as ending the Ukraine war) that would prove Donald Trump right. And the greatly increased risk of a thermonuclear war that would end all life on earth? For them it is a good tradeoff since they are so mentally deranged that a world with no life is preferable to a return of Trump to the White House. Yeah, they are that SICK!
DUmmie FUnnies YouTube Channel

Offline 240B

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Democrats LOVE war. It allows them to skim the military budget and makes them rich. Also, it funds their major supporters in the Military Industry. Where the war is or what the war is about does not matter. If the war in Ukraine ends for ANY reason, the Democrats will simply make a new war somewhere/anywhere else. The only period I can remember in which America was not at war was when Donald Trump was President.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline The_Reader_David

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Democrats are statists, and as Trotsky observed, war is the health of the state.

Unfortunately, while the title is correct, unless the video is talking about stupid diplomacy in the 1990's (continuing to treat Yeltsin-era Russia as definitionally "the enemy", even though they'd lost the Cold War and were no longer trying to impose Communism on the world by subversion and force of arms, trampling Russian interests in the Balkans during the dissolution of Yugoslavia, NATO expansion) that mirrored the maltreatment of Weimar Germany at Versailles, thus making Putin's rise as a revanchist leader as inevitable as that of Hitler (or if not Hitler, someone from the Black Reichswehr), it's off base.

And, just as a historical case for laying the blame for WWII on the victors in WWI and their maltreatment of Germany, that case did not provide sufficient reason to stand aside while Hitler conquered Europe, so the case that NATO's maltreatment of post-Soviet Russia is to blame for the war in Ukraine does not mean that it is not imperative for the West to oppose Putin's revanchism.
And when they behead your own people in the wars which are to come, then you will know what this was all about.