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And So Sayeth the Donald
« on: April 06, 2024, 03:22:15 pm »
April 6, 2024
And So Sayeth the Donald
By Edward R. Zuckerbrod

Donald J. Trump, once more the putative nominee of the Republican Party for the office of President of the United States, speaks (now and always) in the promotional vernacular of a New York real estate mogul. “Making the sale” in Trumpese means that people, positions and projects he supports are always “fantastic,” invariably “the greatest” (possibly in history), all in all something only a fool couldn’t see. At the other end of the spectrum, those he rejects are “a disgrace” and “a disaster,” scornfully branded “losers,” headed for an ignominious fate that “no one has ever seen before.”

Love it or hate it, employing anything less than the most super of superlatives or damning of pejoratives is simply not his style. Alas, even Mr. Trump’s most ardent supporters realize that what’s commonly recognized as “statesmanlike” language and comportment rarely emanates from this most singular of men.

That fact forms the basis of much of the persistent, almost pathological revulsion to him experienced by those who, for reasons perhaps mostly related to ego, are unable to also factor his undeniable strengths into their equation. They can’t come to terms with the fact that this rollercoaster ride he’s endured over the last eight or so years has nevertheless failed to persuade him of the necessity of appreciably altering his manner of expression.

Rather than seeking to inspire or even uplift, Trump the salesman has always attempted to “close” the deal. His aggressive, Patton-like posture and exaggerated language often annoys those raised from childhood to abstain from bragging, but also in the process serves to starkly reveal the prejudices of those attempting to twist his provocative words into something sinister and threatening.

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Re: And So Sayeth the Donald
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2024, 03:51:10 pm »
I don't see why Trump should change his communication style. He has pretty much managed to inoculate himself from blowback because people aren't sure when he is serious and when he is just bloviating. He is obviously undefeatable in a GOP primary, even by the most qualified candidate available. So I guess he is a boorish blowhard, but he is OUR boorish blowhard.

Abortion is a tricky tightrope for him. This issue really should be left up to the states. Different parts of the country have different values when it comes to this issue, and any kind of compromise he proposes will be called "a federal ban on abortion" even if he frames it as "guaranteeing women's reproductive rights" up to 15 weeks or whatever. But Trump apparently wants to get in front of it with some kind of federal "fix" because he fears that this single issue can keep him out of the presidency.

As for Trump's rhetorical excesses, I tend to judge politicians based on what they do as opposed to what they say. Trump has done quite a bit that I object to, especially his reckless spending of the nonexistent national treasure. But I will vote for him based on three things I expect out of him that Joe Biden will not deliver: (1) he will appoint good judges; (2) he will enforce the border; and (3) he will reverse the green new deal. That's it. I expect nothing more from him, and I expect some things I will hate like tariffs and spending sprees. But just based on those three things I will vote for him, because Biden gives us nothing but continued spiraling into war and financial disaster.