Author Topic: RFK Jr 'disturbed' by 'weaponization of government' against Trump, vows to appoint Jan 6 special cou  (Read 1231 times)

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RFK Jr 'disturbed' by 'weaponization of government' against Trump, vows to appoint Jan 6 special counsel

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Friday said he is "disturbed" by "the weaponization of government against" former President Donald Trump.

He also vowed that if elected president, he would appoint a special counsel to investigate whether "prosecutorial discretion was abused for political ends" in cases related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Kennedy on Friday issued a statement in an effort to "clarify his views on the events of January 6, 2021."

"January 6 is one of the most polarizing topics on the political landscape. I am listening to people of diverse viewpoints on it in order to make sense of the event and what followed. I want to hear every side," Kennedy said, adding that it is "quite clear that many of the January 6 protesters broke the law in what may have started as a protest but turned into a riot."

"Because it happened with the encouragement of President Trump, and in the context of his delusion that the election was stolen from him, many people see it not as a riot but as an insurrection," he said. ...........
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