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VIDEO: EV Chargers are Fast, Convenient, and Eco-Friendly



--- Quote ---This video reveals why EVs have become so popular with sales of electric cars growing at an ever increasing rate. It's because their chargers are fast, convenient, and very friendly to the environment. Goodbye to gasoline powered cars; hello to EVs with their clean CLEAN energy.
--- End quote ---

 The video illustrates the absolute insanity of this "Green" energy crap!

This makes the economics of private highway EV charging reststops interesting.

While the car is charging, the business has the opporunity to sell items and services to a trapped audience (they cannot go anywhere until the car is charged).

Plus, individual EV owners tend to be more affluent, so you could probably sell them higher margin, higher priced items.

An EV owning, or leasing, private individual is advertising that they are affluent virtue signalers with disposable income to be fleeced.


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